


Circle CI

Simple router for Redux universal applications. Can be used with React too.


npm install routex


Routex needs some abstraction over browser history, we recommend to use rackt/history^1.0.0


Creating routex (without react)

import { createRoutex, actions } from 'routex';
import { compose, createStore, combineReducers } from 'redux';
import { createHistory } from 'history';

const routes = [
        path: '/',
        children: [
                path: 'about',
                children: [/* ... */]
        attrs: {
            custom: true // optional custom attributes to assign to route
    }/* ... */

// this will return object with high order store and reducer
const routex = createRoutex(routes, createHistory(), () => console.log('Transition finished') );

const newCreateStore = compose(routex.store, createStore);
const routexReducer = routex.reducer;
const reducers = combineReducers({ ...routexReducer /* your reducers */ });

const store = newCreateStore(reducers);

store.dispatch(actions.transitionTo('/about')); // transitions to about

store.generateLink('about'); // generates link object (see api)

Creating routex using in React app (React >= 0.14)

import { createRoutex } from 'routex';
import { compose, createStore, combineReducers } from 'redux';
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { View, Link } from 'routex/lib/react';
import { createHistory } from 'history';

class App extends Component {
    render() {
        //this props children contains nested route
        // so everywhere when you can render nested routes you need to do this
        return (
                <Link route={'about'} params={{}} />

const routes = [
        path: '/',
        component: App, // you need components in all routes because <View /> needs to render them
        attrs: {}, // default attrs
        children: [
                path: 'about',
                attrs: { test: 1 },
                component: () => Promise.resolve(About),
                children: () => Promise.resolve([{ path: '/', component: Child }])
    }/* ... */

// this will return object with high order store and reducer
const routex = createRoutex(routes, createHistory(), () => console.log('Transition finished') );

const newCreateStore = compose(routex.store, createStore);
const routexReducer = routex.reducer;
const reducers = combineReducers({ ...routexReducer /* your reducers */ });

const store = newCreateStore(reducers);

    <Provider store={store}>
        <View />
    , document.getElementById('App')

Use router as standalone (without redux / react)

import { Router } from 'routex';
import { createHistory } from 'history';

const router = new Router([/* routes */], createHistory() /*, optional onTransition hook */);

router.listen(); // start listening to pop state events (immediately will start transition for current location)

// if you want to transition to another location you have to run this
// if you won't then router will lose track of current location and will pretend
// that location didn't change
router.run('/where-you-want-to-go', { /* query params object */});


React components

<View> Component

Use this component whenever you want to render routes. This component needs store to be accessible in context. <View /> components can be nested, so you can use them in your own components (in case of nested routes)

<View /> // will render current route component (if route component renders <View /> too, it will render component of nested route

<Link> Component

Use this component whenever you want an <a> element to go to route. This component need store to be accessible in context. Internally this component is dispatching action transitionTo()