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If you use and enjoy Showly OSS, consider buying me a coffee as a support for my work. Thanks!


<img src="https://i.ibb.co/ChBN7Lg/ic-launcher.png" align="left" width="180" hspace="10" vspace="10" />

Showly is a modern Android TV Shows Tracker.

The OSS version available in this repo is completely free of all Google services.

<a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.michaldrabik.showly2"> <img alt="Get it on Google Play" height="80" src="https://play.google.com/intl/en_us/badges/images/generic/en_badge_web_generic.png"/> </a>


<div> <img src="assets/screenshots/github1a.png" width="150" alt="Screenshot 1"> <img src="assets/screenshots/github2a.png" width="150" alt="Screenshot 2"> <img src="assets/screenshots/github3a.png" width="150" alt="Screenshot 3"> <img src="assets/screenshots/github4a.png" width="150" alt="Screenshot 4"> </div>

Project Setup

  1. Clone repository and open project in the latest version of Android Studio.
  2. Create keystore.properties file and put it in the /app folder.
  3. Add following properties into keystore.properties file (values are not important at this moment):
  1. Add your Trakt.tv, TMDB, OMDB API keys as following properties into your local.properties file located in the root directory of the project:
traktClientId="your trakt client id"
traktClientSecret="your trakt client secret"
tmdbApiKey="your tmdb api key (v4)"
omdbApiKey="your omdb api key"
  1. Rebuild and start the app.

Issues & Contributions

Feel free to post problems with the app as Github Issues.

Features ideas should be posted as new GIthub Discussion.

Pull requests are welcome. Remember about leaving a comment in the relevant issue if you are working on something.


Want to help translating Showly into your native language? Spotted a mistake?<br> Join the CrowdIn project which is used to manage translations:<br> https://crwd.in/showly-android-app <br>

Translations status for 5 Aug 2024:

Screenshot 2024-08-05 at 11-32-21 Showly Android App dashboard in Crowdin

Dev Notes

The codebase has been around for a few years now and it grew a bit rusty. Few things surely could be adressed:


1. Can I watch/stream/download shows and movies with Showly app?

No, that is not possible. Showly is a progress tracking type of app - not a streaming service.

2. I'm a user from India. I can't see any images and also encounter errors!

There is a known issue with TMDB API being blocked by India gov. For more details and a possible solution please see the thread here: https://www.themoviedb.org/talk/65d226e5c433ea0187b5b958#65d2dd5128d7fe017c34e9b5

3. Show/Episode/Movie I'm looking for seems to be missing. What can I do?

Showly uses Trakt.tv as its main data source. If something is missing please use "Import Show" / "Import Movie" option located at the bottom of Trakt.tv website. It's also possible to contact Trakt.tv support about any related issue.


Twitter: https://twitter.com/AppShowly

Landing Page: www.showlyapp.com

Email: showlyapp@gmail.com