

I do not develop this anymore and I'm not sure I will. Stop starring me.

As far as I know Bookworm does everything better anyway. And this thing suffers from terrible home baked parsing engine. Or just consider more up to date fork.



Modern GTK Python app to easily read ePub files

Ebook Viewer is currently in early stages of development. It's a re-write of old ebook reader called pPub.

Planned for first public release:

Enormous rendering improvement is on the way too.

Future plans:


Requires: gir1.2-webkit-3.0, libwebkitgtk-3.0-0, gir1.2-gtk-3.0, python3-gi (PyGObject for Python 3), python3-xdg

Download or clone this repository then run in project directory:

sudo make install

Note the lack of configure step so make sure you have all dependencies.


Dark Theme

Dark theme

Light Theme

Light theme