

The collected works of Per Martin-Löf

Please inform us of any inaccuracies or missing works.

Definition of Random Sequences1966
Algorithms and randomness1969
Notes on constructive mathematics (Almqvist & Wiksell)1970
A theory of types (Preprint, Stockholm University)1971
Hauptsatz for the intuitionistic theory of iterated inductive definitions1971
Complexity Oscillations in Infinite Binary Sequences1971
Infinite terms and a system of natural deduction1972
An Intuitionistic Theory of Types1972
The Notion of Redundancy and Its Use as a Quantitative Measure of the Discrepancy between a Statistical Hypothesis and a Set of Observational Data1974
An Intuitionistic Theory of Types: Predicative Part (Proceedings of the logic colloquium Bristol, July 1973)1975
About Models for Intuitionistic Type Theories and the notion of Definitional Equality1975
Syntax and semantics of the language of primitive recursive functions (Preprint written with Peter Hancock)1975
Reply to Sverdrups Polemical Article Tests without Power1975
A note to Michael Dummett1976
Exact tests, confidence regions and estimates1977
Constructive mathematics and computer programming (Tech report)1979
Constructive mathematics and computer programming (Version 2) (Tech report)1979
Constructive mathematics and computer programming1982
On the Meanings of the Logical Constants and the Justification of Logical Laws1983
Notes on The Domain Interpretation of Type Theory1983
Intuitionistic Type Theory (Bibliopolis Book, notes by Giovanni Sambin of a series of lectures given in Padua, June 1980) (Re-typeset and searchable version)1984
The logic of Judgements1987
The logic of Judgements (typeset)1987
Truth of a Proposition, Evidence of a Judgment, Validity of a Proof1987
Philosophical implications of type theory (Lectures given at the Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia, Universitá degli Studi di Firenze, Florence, March 15th - May 15th, Privately circulated notes)1987
Mathematics of Infinity1990
A path from logic to metaphysics (typescript)1990
A path from logic to metaphysics1991
Substitution calculus (Notes from a lecture given in Göteborg)1992
Philosophical aspects of intuitionistic type theory* (Series of talks given at Leiden, 23 September – 16 December 1993)1993
Analytic and Synthetic Judgements in Type Theory1994
Truth and Knowability: On the Principles C and K of Michael Dummett1998
The sense/reference distinction in constructive semantics* (The Bulletin of Symbolic Logic, 27, 501-513, 2021)2001
Husserl's correlation between formal logic and formal ontology* (Talks given at Bern, 17 January)2002
Are the objects of propositional attitudes propositions in the sense of propositional and predicate logic?2003
Are the objects of propositional attitudes propositions in the sense of propositional and predicate logic?* (Talks given at Geneva, 19 December)2003
Sets, types and categories* (Talks given at Leiden, 6 February)2004
Normalization by Evaluation and by the Method of Computability (Talk at JAIST, Kanazawa)2004
Hilbert Brouwer Controversy Resolved?2008
One hundred years of Zermelo's axiom of choice. What was the problem with it?2009
How did 'judgement' come to be a term of logic?* (Talks given at Paris, 14 October)2011
Verificationism Then and Now2013
Truth of empirical propositions* (Talks given at Leiden, 4 February)2014
Making sense of normalization by evaluation (Talk given at a workshop on Type theory and formalization of mathematics in Gothenburg, December 11th)2014
Is logic part of normative ethics?* (Talks given at Paris, 15 May)2015
The two interpretations of natural deduction: how do they fit together?* (Talks given at Tübingen, 28 November)2015
Judgement and inference* (Talks given at Marseille, 1 June)2016
Assertion and request* (Talks given at Stockholm, 14 August)2017
Assertion and request* (Talks given at Oslo, 29 August)2017
Weyl's attempted mediation between intuitionism and formalism* (Talks given at Leeds, 12 September)2018
Epistemic assumptions: are they assumed to be backwards vindicated or forwards vindicable?* (Leiden, 6 September)2019
Logic and ethics* (Logica Yearbook 2019, I. Sedlár and M. Blicha (eds.). London: College Publications, 2020)2020
Correctness of assertion and validity of inference* (Stockholm, 26 October)2022

*Originally published at the Per Martin-Löf: Transcriptions website