

<div style="text-align:center"><img src="ressources/visual_assets/Sniprun_transparent.png" /></div> <div align="center"><p> <a href="https://github.com/michaelb/sniprun/releases/latest"> <img alt="Latest release" src="https://img.shields.io/github/v/release/michaelb/sniprun" /> </a> <a href="https://github.com/michaelb/sniprun/actions"> <img alt="CI build" src="https://github.com/michaelb/sniprun/workflows/Rust/badge.svg" /> </a> <a href="https://github.com/michaelb/sniprun/releases"> <img alt="Total downloads" src="https://img.shields.io/github/downloads/michaelb/sniprun/total" /> </a> <a href="https://github.com/michaelb/sniprun/pulse"> <img alt="Last commit" src="https://img.shields.io/github/last-commit/michaelb/sniprun"/> </a> </p> </div>


Sniprun is a code runner plugin for neovim written in Lua and Rust. It aims to provide stupidly fast partial code testing for interpreted and compiled languages. Sniprun blurs the line between standard save/run workflow, jupyter-like notebook, and REPL/interpreters.


TLDR: Plug 'michaelb/sniprun', {'do': 'sh install.sh'}, :SnipRun, :'<,'>SnipRun, :SnipInfo

Installation, configuration, ...

See installation instructions, configuration tips, usage explanations and much more useful information on the WIKI.


Send to Sniprun snippets of any language.

A very simple example (in C), play the .gif and look in the command area:

The result can be returned in multiple (even at the same time) ways:
ClassicVirtual Text
Temporary Floating WindowTerminal
REPL-like behavior is available for some languages

Python, Julia, Lua, JavaScript & Typescript (via deno), Clojure, R, Mathematica, Sage, coming soon for many other interpreted (and compiled) languages. With REPL-like behavior, you can run code dependent on previously executed code, just like in a REPL, from within your favorite editor.


Sniprun is a way to quickly run small snippets of code, on the fly, and iterate very quickly and conveniently. To learn a language, to quickly experiment with new features (not yet embedded in classes or a whole project etc...), or to develop simple code pipelines (like a machine learning exercise) that fit in a unique file, sniprun is probably the best plugin out there.

As a matter of proof, Sniprun :

Known limitations

Due to its nature, Sniprun may have trouble with programs that :


It's been quite a journey already! For history fans, see the full changelog.


Sniprun has been made contributor-friendly (see CONTRIBUTING.md), so it's relatively easy to create / fix interpreters for any language. But any (constructive) issue, discussion, or doc Pull Request is a welcome form of contribution !