

<div align="center"> <img width="100" height="100" title="Load Options" src="http://michael-ciniawsky.github.io/postcss-load-options/logo.svg"> <a href="https://github.com/postcss/postcss"> <img width="110" height="110" title="PostCSS" src="http://postcss.github.io/postcss/logo.svg" hspace="10"> </a> <img width="100" height="100" title="Load Plugins" src="http://michael-ciniawsky.github.io/postcss-load-plugins/logo.svg"> <h1>Load Config</h1> </div> <h2 align="center">Install</h2>
npm i -D postcss-load-config
<h2 align="center">Usage</h2>
npm i -S|-D postcss-plugin

Install all required PostCSS plugins and save them to your package.json dependencies/devDependencies

Then create a PostCSS config file by choosing one of the following formats


Create a postcss section in your project's package.json

Project (Root)
  |– client
  |– public
  |- package.json
  "postcss": {
    "parser": "sugarss",
    "map": false,
    "plugins": {
      "postcss-plugin": {}


Create a .postcssrc file in JSON or YAML format

ℹ️ It's recommended to use an extension (e.g .postcssrc.json or .postcssrc.yml) instead of .postcssrc

Project (Root)
  |– client
  |– public
  |- (.postcssrc|.postcssrc.json|.postcssrc.yml)
  |- package.json


  "parser": "sugarss",
  "map": false,
  "plugins": {
    "postcss-plugin": {}


parser: sugarss
map: false
  postcss-plugin: {}

[!NOTE] For YAML configs, you must have yaml installed as a peer dependency.

.postcssrc.js or postcss.config.js

You may need some logic within your config. In this case create JS/TS file named:

[!NOTE] For TypeScript configs, you must have tsx or jiti installed as a peer dependency.

Project (Root)
  |– client
  |– public
  |- (.postcssrc|postcss.config).(js|mjs|cjs|ts|mts|cts)
  |- package.json

You can export the config as an {Object}


module.exports = {
  parser: 'sugarss',
  map: false,
  plugins: {
    'postcss-plugin': {}

Or export a {Function} that returns the config (more about the ctx param below)


module.exports = (ctx) => ({
  parser: ctx.parser ? 'sugarss' : false,
  map: ctx.env === 'development' ? ctx.map : false,
  plugins: {
    'postcss-plugin': ctx.options.plugin

Plugins can be loaded either using an {Object} or an {Array}



module.exports = ({ env }) => ({
  plugins: {
    'postcss-plugin': env === 'production' ? {} : false

ℹ️ When using an {Object}, the key can be a Node.js module name, a path to a JavaScript file that is relative to the directory of the PostCSS config file, or an absolute path to a JavaScript file.



module.exports = ({ env }) => ({
  plugins: [
    env === 'production' ? require('postcss-plugin')() : false

:warning: When using an {Array}, make sure to require() each plugin

<h2 align="center">Options</h2>
to{String}undefinedDestination File Path
map{String|Object}falseEnable/Disable Source Maps
from{String}undefinedSource File Path
parser{String|Function}falseCustom PostCSS Parser
syntax{String|Function}falseCustom PostCSS Syntax
stringifier{String|Function}falseCustom PostCSS Stringifier



module.exports = {
  parser: 'sugarss'



module.exports = {
  syntax: 'postcss-scss'



module.exports = {
  stringifier: 'midas'



module.exports = {
  map: 'inline'

:warning: In most cases options.from && options.to are set by the third-party which integrates this package (CLI, gulp, webpack). It's unlikely one needs to set/use options.from && options.to within a config file. Unless you're a third-party plugin author using this module and its Node API directly dont't set options.from && options.to yourself


module.exports = {
  to: 'path/to/dest.css'


module.exports = {
  from: 'path/to/src.css'
<h2 align="center">Plugins</h2>

{} || null

The plugin will be loaded with defaults

'postcss-plugin': {} || null


module.exports = {
  plugins: {
    'postcss-plugin': {} || null

:warning: {} must be an empty {Object} literal


The plugin will be loaded with given options

'postcss-plugin': { option: '', option: '' }


module.exports = {
  plugins: {
    'postcss-plugin': { option: '', option: '' }


The plugin will not be loaded

'postcss-plugin': false


module.exports = {
  plugins: {
    'postcss-plugin': false


Plugin execution order is determined by declaration in the plugins section (top-down)

  plugins: {
    'postcss-plugin': {}, // [0]
    'postcss-plugin': {}, // [1]
    'postcss-plugin': {}  // [2]
<h2 align="center">Context</h2>

When using a {Function} (postcss.config.js or .postcssrc.js), it's possible to pass context to postcss-load-config, which will be evaluated while loading your config. By default ctx.env (process.env.NODE_ENV) and ctx.cwd (process.cwd()) are available on the ctx {Object}

ℹ️ Most third-party integrations add additional properties to the ctx (e.g postcss-loader). Check the specific module's README for more information about what is available on the respective ctx

<h2 align="center">Examples</h2>


module.exports = (ctx) => ({
  parser: ctx.parser ? 'sugarss' : false,
  map: ctx.env === 'development' ? ctx.map : false,
  plugins: {
    'postcss-import': {},
    'postcss-nested': {},
    cssnano: ctx.env === 'production' ? {} : false
<div align="center"> <img width="80" height="80" src="https://worldvectorlogo.com/logos/nodejs-icon.svg"> </div>
"scripts": {
  "build": "NODE_ENV=production node postcss",
  "start": "NODE_ENV=development node postcss"
const { readFileSync } = require('fs')

const postcss = require('postcss')
const postcssrc = require('postcss-load-config')

const css = readFileSync('index.css', 'utf8')

const ctx = { parser: true, map: 'inline' }

postcssrc(ctx).then(({ plugins, options }) => {
    .process(css, options)
    .then((result) => console.log(result.css))
<div align="center"> <img width="80" height="80" halign="10" src="https://worldvectorlogo.com/logos/gulp.svg"> </div>
"scripts": {
  "build": "NODE_ENV=production gulp",
  "start": "NODE_ENV=development gulp"
const { task, src, dest, series, watch } = require('gulp')

const postcss = require('gulp-postcssrc')

const css = () => {

task('watch', () => {
  watch(['src/*.css', 'postcss.config.js'], css)

task('default', series(css, 'watch'))
<div align="center"> <img width="80" height="80" src="https://cdn.rawgit.com/webpack/media/e7485eb2/logo/icon.svg"> </div>
"scripts": {
  "build": "NODE_ENV=production webpack",
  "start": "NODE_ENV=development webpack-dev-server"


module.exports = (env) => ({
  module: {
    rules: [
        test: /\.css$/,
        use: [
<h2 align="center">Maintainers</h2> <table> <tbody> <tr> <td align="center"> <img width="150" height="150" src="https://github.com/michael-ciniawsky.png?v=3&s=150"> <br /> <a href="https://github.com/michael-ciniawsky">Michael Ciniawsky</a> </td> <td align="center"> <img width="150" height="150" src="https://github.com/ertrzyiks.png?v=3&s=150"> <br /> <a href="https://github.com/ertrzyiks">Mateusz Derks</a> </td> </tr> <tbody> </table> <h2 align="center">Contributors</h2> <table> <tbody> <tr> <td align="center"> <img width="150" height="150" src="https://github.com/sparty02.png?v=3&s=150"> <br /> <a href="https://github.com/sparty02">Ryan Dunckel</a> </td> <td align="center"> <img width="150" height="150" src="https://github.com/pcgilday.png?v=3&s=150"> <br /> <a href="https://github.com/pcgilday">Patrick Gilday</a> </td> <td align="center"> <img width="150" height="150" src="https://github.com/daltones.png?v=3&s=150"> <br /> <a href="https://github.com/daltones">Dalton Santos</a> </td> <td align="center"> <img width="150" height="150" src="https://github.com/fwouts.png?v=3&s=150"> <br /> <a href="https://github.com/fwouts">François Wouts</a> </td> </tr> <tbody> </table

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To report a security vulnerability, please use the Tidelift security contact. Tidelift will coordinate the fix and disclosure.