

The React Native Animated Sprite

react-native-animated-sprite (RNAS) package is a feature rich declarative component for animation, tweening, and dragging sprites. Animation is achieved using frame-by-frame animation, tweening uses the React Native Animated class, and dragging uses React Native PanResponder.

RNAS is ideal for use in general applications or games. Development has been driven by Curious Learning's work in cognitive assessment and literacy.


$ npm install --save react-native-animated-sprite


There are three key features to RNAS: AnimatedSprite, sprites, and tweens. Together these three features provide the full capabilities of RNAS.


AnimatedSprite is the primary component interface which would be included in a React Native application.


Sprites are objects that are required by AnimatedSprite. A sprite object contains references to the images used for frame-by-frame animation and other related information. See "example/sprites/monster/monsterSprite.js"


Tweens ("src/Tweens/Tweens.js") operate on AnimatedSprites to enable tweening.

Example Use

<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/micahrye/react-native-animated-sprite/master/example/AnimateSpriteExample.gif" width="265" height="400">

Example Projects

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Example Declaration

This is the declaration used for the example application included in this projects Github repo, and demonstrated in the GIF above.

    top: 100,
    left: 100,
    width: monsterSprite.size.width * 1.65,
    height: monsterSprite.size.height * 1.65,
  tweenOptions = {this.state.tweenOptions}
  onPress={() => {this.onPress();}}

The above example would create an "AnimatedSprite" with the "monsterSprite." The animation loops and is set to an animation type of the sprite. The coordinates place the start location of the AnimatedSprite, while size declares the size. Draggable set to true (draggable={true}) means that the AnimatedSprite can be dragged. The tween options are set to a tween object, and the tween can be started 'fromCode', i.e. programmatically. There is also an "onPress" handler declared that is used to switch animation type. See the code for full details.

Component Properties (need to finish)

NameRequiredTypeDescriptionDefault Value
spritetrueobjectAn object that describes the underlying sprite asset.See Sprite fields below.
coordinatestrueobjectThe top/left coordinates of the AnimatedSprite.none
sizetrueobjectThe width/height size of the sprite assets.none
animationFrameIndextruearrayThe indices of the current animation.none
rotatefalsearrayRotation information for sprite.[{rotateY: '0deg'}]
opacityfalsenumberOpacity of sprite.1
spriteUIDfalsestringUnique string used for ID purposes.randome string of length 7
draggablefalseboolSet draggable state of sprite.false
onPressfalsefuncFunction handle for press (touch) event.none
onPressInfalsefuncFunction handle for pressIn event.none
onPressOutfalsefuncFunction handle for pressOut event.none
loopAnimationfalseboolIndicates if animation should loopnone
timeSinceMountedfalsefuncIndicates time since component was mountednone
currentLocationfalsefuncFunction to retrieve current coordinates.none
tweenStartfalsestringIndicates how tween should start, one of ['fromMethod', 'fromPress', 'fromMount']none
tweenOptionsfalseobjectDescribes tween options.See Tweens
stopAutoTweenOnPressInfalseboolIndicates if tween started at component mount should stop on press event.none
onTweenStoppedfalsefuncFunction handle called when tween stopped by press event.none
onTweenFinishfalsefuncFunction handle called when tween completes full tween.none
onAnimationFinishfalsefuncFunction handle called when animation comes to end.none
visiblefalseboolIndicates if sprite is visible.true
fpsfalsenumberIndicates the number of frames per second.10

Use of Refs to Access AnimatedSprite Methods

While "refs" should be avoided in most cases they can be useful. As Facebook states, "there are a few cases where you need to imperatively modify a child outside of the typical dataflow." One of those cases is triggering imperative animations.

There are several methods of AnimatedSprite that you will want to access via refs. The are:

The following is an example of usage. Suppose you had the following AnimatedSprite component:


Then in your declaring application you would be able to access the AnimatedSprite references as follows (See example app):

// or
const coords = this.refs.monsterRef.getCoordinates();

Sprites & Tweens Overview

Sprites and tweens are key aspects of the AnimatedSprite component. The following gives an overview of each.

Sprites Overview

A sprite is an object that contain with the following shape:

  name: <string>,
  size: <object>,
  animationTypes: <array>,
  frames: <array>,
  animationIndex: <function>,

See example app for working example.

Sprite Fields

Tweens Overview

Tweens.js contains many tween objects that can be used by AnimatedSprite for creating tweening effects. Tweens.js defines "high" level tweens, such as "zoomIntoExistence" and "wiggle," which can be used by AnimatedSprite. AnimatedSprite can take "tweenOptions," which define the tween. For example:

  tweenType: 'sine-wave',
  startXY: [coords.left, coords.top],
  xTo: [sample(location), sample(location)],
  yTo: [sample(location), sample(location)],
  duration: 1000,
  loop: false,

Defines a tween of type "sine-wave" that starts at "startXY" and has "x, y" coordinates that change over time. "xTo" and "yTo" are arrays that indicate where a AnimatedSprite coordinate will tween too. Duration indicates the total duration of the tween, and loop indicates if the tween will loop (true) or be only happen once (false).

Notes on Usage

Mobile operating systems such as Android and iOS have significantly less application memory then other systems. As a result performance can be effected by the size and number of images used by an application using AnimatedSprite.

For performance reasons changes in AnimatedSprite dimensions must maintain the aspect ratio of the underlying image media.