Wayback Machine OSINT Framework
go install
Example Usage
Extract endpoints and URLs from archived JavaScript code
chronos -target "*" -module jsluice -output js_endpoints.json
Calculate archived favicon hashes
chronos -target "" -module favicon -output favicon_hashes.json
Extract archived page titles
chronos -target "" -module html -module-config "html.title=//title" -snapshot-interval y -output titles.json
Extract paths from archived robots.txt files
chronos -target "" -module regex -module-config 'regex.paths=/[^\s]+' -output robots_paths.json
Extract URLs from archived sitemap.xml files
chronos -target "" -module xml -module-config "xml.urls=//urlset/url/loc" -limit -5 -output sitemap_urls.json
Extract endpoints from archived API documentation
chronos -target "" -module html -module-config 'html.endpoint=//code' -output api_docs_endpoints.json
Find S3 buckets in archived pages
chronos -target "" -module regex -module-config 'regex.s3=[a-zA-Z0-9-\.\_]+\.s3(?:-[-a-zA-Z0-9]+)?\.amazonaws\.com' -limit -snapshot-interval y -output s3_buckets.json
Module | Description |
regex | Extract regex matches |
jsluice | Extract URLs and endpoints from JavaScript code using jsluice |
html | Query HTML documents using XPath expressions |
xml | Query XML documents using XPath expressions |
favicon | Calculate favicon hashes |
full | Get the full content of snapshots |
Command-line Options
Usage of chronos:
-target string
Specify the target URL or domain (supports wildcards)
List available modules
-module string
Comma-separated list of modules to run
-module-config value
Module configuration in the format: module.key=value
-module-config-file string
Path to the module configuration file
-match-mime string
Comma-separated list of MIME types to match
-filter-mime string
Comma-separated list of MIME types to filter out
-match-status string
Comma-separated list of status codes to match (default "200")
-filter-status string
Comma-separated list of status codes to filter out
-from string
Filter snapshots from a specific date (Format: yyyyMMddhhmmss)
-to string
Filter snapshots to a specific date (Format: yyyyMMddhhmmss)
-limit string
Limit the number of snapshots to process (use negative numbers for the newest N snapshots, positive numbers for the oldest N results) (default "-50")
-snapshot-interval string
The interval for getting at most one snapshot (possible values: h, d, m, y)
Fetch one snapshot only per URL
-threads int
Number of concurrent threads to use (default 10)
-output string
Path to the output file