Warning Phoenix 1.7 no longer uses Phoenix.View, so this package is no longer necessary.
Phoenix integration for Temple.
def deps do
{:temple_phoenix, "~> 0.1"}
<!-- MDOC !-->
This package provides
- Phoenix template engine for Phoenix views and co-located LiveView templates.
Phoenix template engine
The Temple.Phoenix.Engine module makes it possible to use Temple with Phoenix controllers and LiveViews.
To get started, you will configure Phoenix to use this module for .exs
files and configure Temple to
use the appropriate EEx engine..
# config.exs
config :phoenix, :template_engines,
# this will work for files named like `index.html.exs`
exs: Temple.Phoenix.Engine
config :temple,
engine: Phoenix.HTML.Engine # or Phoenix.LiveView.Engine
# config/dev.exs
config :your_app, YourAppWeb.Endpoint,
live_reload: [
patterns: [
# my_app/
# lib/
# my_app/
# my_app_web/
# templates/
# posts/
# show.html.exs
# live/
# posts_live/
# show.ex
# show.html.exs
Now you can get started by writing exs
files in the templates directory and they will be compiled as you would expect.