

msh examples

Work in progress!

This repository contains examples of usage of various msh libraries

Examples so far:

Spatial Hash Grid


Library: msh_hash_grid.h


gcc -std=c99 -I<path_to_msh_libraries> msh_hash_grid_example.c -o msh_hash_grid_example -lglfw3 -lopengl32 -lglew32 -lnanovg



This program showcases the usage of msh_hash_grid.h. It creates a window in which we visualize neighbors of a moving 2D point. Requires OpenGL, GLFW, GLEW and nanovg to build.

Ply Loading

Library: msh_ply.h


gcc -std=c99 -I<path_to_msh_libraries> msh_ply_example.c -o msh_ply_example


./msh_ply_example <path_to_ply_file>

Simple program showcasing msh_ply.h for writing ply file of a colored cube mesh. Program will also read the file back and print the contents of a ply header into stdout.

PDF Sampling

Library: msh_std.h


gcc -std=c99 -I<path_to_msh_libraries> msh_ply_example.c -o msh_ply_example



This program showcases different ways in which it is possible to sample discrete distributions using msh libraries. The problem we try to tackle is essentially simulating a loaded dice - given set of weights describing likelihood of rolling specific side of a dice we wish to obtain a random index that follows the same distribution as our likelihoods. This extends to an ability to sample from a discrete probability distribution.

msh_std.h implements three ways to do this:

  1. Linear search - requires no setup, other than normalizing the distribution. Generating the random sample from a distribution can take O(n) time. Use only for very small distributions.

  2. Inverted CDF - Works by computing an approximation of inverted cumulative distribution function. Setup takes O(m) time, where m is discretization of probabilities. Sampling takes O(1) time. Issue with this method is the discretization of probabilities to integers. Depending on your distribution m might need to be very large. To see this method fail, decrease A_INVCDF_N_BINS and inspect the printed values

  3. Alias method - preferable way to do sampling. Requires O(n) setup, generation takes O(1) time (although we need to compute two random numbers instead of one). Implementation of Vose's algorithm, after description by Keith Schwartz.

This program will perform simulation of loaded dice and sampling from a mixture of gaussian distribution, using all three methods. Timings will also be performed.