



log XI is a structured 12-factor app logger built for speed and happy development.


Go 1.3+


go get -u github.com/mgutz/logxi/v1

Getting Started

import "github.com/mgutz/logxi/v1"

// create package variable for Logger interface
var logger log.Logger

func main() {
    // use default logger
    who := "mario"
    log.Info("Hello", "who", who)

    // create a logger with a unique identifier which
    // can be enabled from environment variables
    logger = log.New("pkg")

    // specify a writer, use NewConcurrentWriter if it is not concurrent
    // safe
    modelLogger = log.NewLogger(log.NewConcurrentWriter(os.Stdout), "models")

    db, err := sql.Open("postgres", "dbname=testdb")
    if err != nil {
        modelLogger.Error("Could not open database", "err", err)

    fruit := "apple"
    languages := []string{"go", "javascript"}
    if log.IsDebug() {
        // use key-value pairs after message
        logger.Debug("OK", "fruit", fruit, "languages", languages)

logxi defaults to showing warnings and above. To view all logs

LOGXI=* go run main.go


This logger package

log.Debug("inside Fn()", "key1", value1, "key2", value2)

// instead of this log.WithFields(logrus.Fields{"m": "pkg", "key1": value1, "key2": value2}).Debug("inside fn()")

    logxi logs `FIX_IMBALANCED_PAIRS =>` if key-value pairs are imbalanced

    `log.Warn and log.Error` are special cases and return error:

return log.Error(msg)               //=> fmt.Errorf(msg)
return log.Error(msg, "err", err)   //=> err

func TestErrNotFound() { log.Suppress(true) defer log.Suppress(false) ... }

## Configuration

### Enabling/Disabling Loggers

By default logxi logs entries whose level is `LevelWarn` or above when
using a terminal. For non-terminals, entries with level `LevelError` and
above are logged.

To quickly see all entries use short form

    # enable all, disable log named foo
    LOGXI=*,-foo yourapp

To better control logs in production, use long form which allows
for granular control of levels

    # the above statement is equivalent to this
    LOGXI=*=DBG,foo=OFF yourapp

`DBG` should obviously not be used in production unless for
troubleshooting. See `LevelAtoi` in `logger.go` for values.
For example, there is a problem in the data access layer
in production.

    # Set all to Error and set data related packages to Debug
    LOGXI=*=ERR,models=DBG,dat*=DBG,api=DBG yourapp

### Format

The format may be set via `LOGXI_FORMAT` environment
variable. Valid values are `"happy", "text", "JSON", "LTSV"`

    # Use JSON in production with custom time
    LOGXI_FORMAT=JSON,t=2006-01-02T15:04:05.000000-0700 yourapp

The "happy" formatter has more options

*   pretty - puts each key-value pair indented on its own line

    "happy" default to fitting key-value pair onto the same line. If
    result characters are longer than `maxcol` then the pair will be
    put on the next line and indented

*   maxcol - maximum number of columns before forcing a key to be on its
    own line. If you want everything on a single line, set this to high
    value like 1000. Default is 80.

*   context - the number of context lines to print on source. Set to -1
    to see only file:lineno. Default is 2.

### Color Schemes

The color scheme may be set with `LOGXI_COLORS` environment variable. For
example, the default dark scheme is emulated like this

    # on non-Windows, see Windows support below
    export LOGXI_COLORS=key=cyan+h,value,misc=blue+h,source=magenta,TRC,DBG,WRN=yellow,INF=green,ERR=red+h

    # color only errors
    LOGXI_COLORS=ERR=red yourapp

See [ansi](http://github.com/mgutz/ansi) package for styling. An empty
value, like "value" and "DBG" above means use default foreground and
background on terminal.


*   \*  - default color
*   TRC - trace color
*   DBG - debug color
*   WRN - warn color
*   INF - info color
*   ERR - error color
*   message - message color
*   key - key color
*   value - value color unless WRN or ERR
*   misc - time and log name color
*   source - source context color (excluding error line)

#### Windows

Use [ConEmu-Maximus5](https://github.com/Maximus5/ConEmu).
Read this page about [256 colors](https://code.google.com/p/conemu-maximus5/wiki/Xterm256Colors).

Colors in PowerShell and Command Prompt _work_ but not very pretty.

## Extending

What about hooks? There are least two ways to do this

*   Implement your own `io.Writer` to write to external services. Be sure to set
    the formatter to JSON to faciliate decoding with Go's built-in streaming
*   Create an external filter. See `v1/cmd/filter` as an example.

What about log rotation? 12 factor apps only concern themselves with
STDOUT. Use shell redirection operators to write to a file.

There are many utilities to rotate logs which accept STDIN as input. They can
do many things like send alerts, etc. The two obvious choices are Apache's `rotatelogs`
utility and `lograte`.

yourapp | rotatelogs yourapp 86400


# install godo task runner
go get -u gopkg.in/godo.v2/cmd/godo

# install dependencies
godo install -v

# run test
godo test

# run bench with allocs (requires manual cleanup of output)
godo bench-allocs


MIT License