


Hackable GUI SQL-manager written in SQL itself (and a pinch of the HTML templates).

"If you want something done, do it yourself. Yep!"

Jean-Baptiste Emanuel Zorg, "The Fifth Element", 1997.

Malewicz is a cross-platform Database GUI tool for developers, SQL programmers, DBAs and data analysts.

Try Malewicz on Heroku



Current status

:warning: This experimental project is in early development phase. If you have ideas, feel free to text me, create a PR or open an issue.

What is Malewicz?

Malewicz is Yet Another WEB client for DB schema exploring and performance analysis. Something like PgHero, Pgweb or even phpMyAdmin, but with some key features:

<!-- - SQL Market - Make your own templates, share it and use foreign templates --> <!-- - Support only PostgreSQL (for now) - but you might ... -->

Embedded SQL editor

Malewicz has no embedded SQL editor. Instead, you might use your favorite code editor (like Vim or VS Code) or IDE (like DBeaver or DataGrips) for edit plain sql-files.

We were inspired by

Run from sources

Init and activate virtual env (optional):

virtualenv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate

Install dependencies:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Set database connection parameters in config.toml file or set environment variable DATABASE_URL with datbase URI:



python app.py

Run from Docker

cd demo
docker-compose up -d

SQL scripts conventions

Recomended VS Code plugins

For productive and fast work with SQL scripts and Jinja2 templates we use Visual Studio Code with some additional plugins: