

Obsidian Embedded Note Titles Plugin

This plugin embeds the note title at the top of each note in both preview and edit mode. This plugin does not modify notes, and the title is not a part of the document itself.


<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mgmeyers/obsidian-embedded-note-titles/main/screenshots/example01.gif" alt="Example output of plugin" />


In general, this plugin attempts to size the titles to align with the note content. Some themes may have styling that conflicts with these calculations. If you notice misalignment between the title and the note, the titles can be styled via css like so:

h1.embedded-note-title {
  /* ...reading mode styles... */

h1.cm-line.embedded-note-title {
  /* ... live preview / edit mode styles ... */

You may also need to account for readable line length:

.is-readable-line-width h1.embedded-note-title {
  /* ...reading mode styles... */

.is-readable-line-width h1.cm-line.embedded-note-title {
  /* ...reading mode styles... */