

<h1>KatanyaGomoku</h1><br> @author Muhammad Gilang Januar at SEMAR Development<br> @since 2014<br> @version 1.1.09<br> Game desktop like Tic Tac Toe with java language programming.<br> <br><br> GOMOKU is a modification game of Tic Tac Toe. And "Katanya Gomoku" is a modification game of GOMOKU :p<br><br>

Features :<br>

  1. Load and save in local and cloud<br>
  2. Change color board and piece<br>
  3. Change board size and win point<br>
  4. ONLINE!<br> And others<br><br><br>
<h3>Bugs & Known Issues</h3> 1. Lag<br> 2. Check win when online (fixed 100%: check my commit)<br> 3. Disable step after turn when online (fixed: check my commit)<br> 4. Tell me <br><br><br> <h3>Runnable Program</h3> Download my jar file at <a href="http://smrdv.cf/gomoku"><b>http://smrdv.cf/gomoku</b></a> <br><br><br> <h3>Documentation</h3> KatanyaGomoku Documentation API in Indonesian language <a href="http://mgilangjanuar.github.io/KatanyaGomoku/"><b>http://mgilangjanuar.github.io/KatanyaGomoku/</b></a> <br><br><br> <h3>Changelog</h3> <b>v1.0</b><br> 1. Initial build<br> 2. Restart and quit function<br> 3. Add menubar<br> 4. Save and load<br><br>


  1. Save and load bug fixes<br>
  2. Change board color<br>
  3. Change piece color of player<br>
  4. Change palyer name<br>
  5. Board config<br>
  6. Create and view log program<br>
  7. Play music when gameover<br>
  8. Play online<br><br>


  1. Save and load to cloud<br>
  2. Online connection bug fixes<br>
  3. Minor changes and bug fixes<br><br><br>
<h3>Development Guide</h3> The development of this project has <b>stopped</b>. if you want to continue, please write my name in credit section of your project and read how to develop this at <a href="http://web.semardev.com/katanyagomoku-development-guide">http://web.semardev.com/katanyagomoku-development-guide</a>. <br><br><br>

This repo only v1.1.09<br> More question? <a href="http://web.semardev.com/katanya-gomoku/">http://web.semardev.com/katanya-gomoku/</a>