

Deep Bilateral Learning for Real-Time Image Enhancements

Siggraph 2017

Visit our Project Page.

Michael Gharbi Jiawen Chen Jonathan T. Barron Samuel W. Hasinoff Fredo Durand

Michael Gharbi (gharbi@mit.edu)

Tested on Python 2.7, Ubuntu 14.0, gcc-4.8.


  1. This is not an official Google product.
  2. I no longer maintain this repository, please refer to the upstream repository for assistance



To install the Python dependencies, run:

cd hdrnet
pip install -r requirements.txt


Our network requires a custom Tensorflow operator to "slice" in the bilateral grid. To build it, run:

cd hdrnet

To build the benchmarking code, run:

cd benchmark

Note that the benchmarking code requires a frozen and optimized model. Use hdrnet/bin/scripts/optimize_graph.sh and hdrnet/bin/freeze.py to produce these.

To build the Android demo, see dedicated section below.


Run the test suite to make sure the BilateralSlice operator works correctly:

cd hdrnet
py.test test

Download pretrained models

We provide a set of pretrained models. One of these is included in the repo (see pretrained_models/local_laplacian_sample). To download the rest of them run:

cd pretrained_models


To train a model, run the following command:

./hdrnet/bin/train.py <checkpoint_dir> <path/to_training_data/filelist.txt>

Look at sample_data/identity/ for a typical structure of the training data folder.

You can monitor the training process using Tensorboard:

tensorboard --logdir <checkpoint_dir>

To run a trained model on a novel image (or set of images), use:

./hdrnet/bin/run.py <checkpoint_dir> <path/to_eval_data> <output_dir>

To prepare a model for use on mobile, freeze the graph, and optimize the network:

./hdrnet/bin/freeze_graph.py <checkpoint_dir>
./hdrnet/bin/scripts/optimize_graph.sh <checkpoint_dir>

You will need to change the ${TF_BASE} environment variable in ./hdrnet/bin/scripts/optimize_graph.sh and compile the necessary tensorflow command line tools for this (automated in the script).

Android prototype

We will add it to this repo soon.

Known issues and limitations