


MADE: Masked Autoencoder for Distribution Estimation

Paper on arXiv and at ICML2015.

This repository is for the original Theano implementation.

If you are looking for a PyTorch implementation, thanks to Andrej Karpathy, you can fine one here.


"Easy" environement setup for replication

Assuming you have a recent Conda installed (tested with 4.8.3) and that you are running bash (I havent tried zsh) you can easily setup MADE as follows.

conda create -n theano-MADE python=2.7 mkl-service pip git -y
conda activate theano-MADE
pip install numpy==1.9.1 scipy==0.14 theano==0.9
echo -e "[global]\ndevice = gpu\nfloatX = float32\nexception_verbosity=high\n\n[nvcc]\nfastmath = True\n" > ~/.theanorc
git clone https://github.com/mgermain/MADE
wget -P datasets https://github.com/mgermain/MADE/releases/download/ICML2015/rcv1.npz
wget -P datasets https://github.com/mgermain/MADE/releases/download/ICML2015/binarized_mnist.npz

Then you can execute any trainMADE commands. See the Train section.


See python trainMADE.py --help

Experiments are saved in : ./experiments/{experiment_name}/.

Datasets need to be in : ./datasets/{dataset_name}.npz.


Commands to generate the best results from the paper on different datasets.


python -u trainMADE.py adult 0.01 0 -1 0 ? 300 100 30 False 0 None 0 [500] 1234 False Output False tanh Orthogonal 0


python -u trainMADE.py dna 1e-5 0.95 -1 -1 Full 300 100 30 False 0 adadelta 0 [500] 1234 False Output False hinge Orthogonal 0

MNIST (Warning: Orthogonal initialization takes a long time and a lot of RAM (4gig) with a model that big.)

python -u trainMADE.py --name mnist_from_paper binarized_mnist 0.01 0 -1 32 Full 300 100 30 False 0 adagrad 0 [8000,8000] 1234 False Output False hinge Orthogonal 0


Generating a 10 by 10 MNIST digits image sampled from a trained model(assuming the one above).

python -u sampleMADE.py experiments/mnist_from_paper/ 10 10 True True 1


In repo:

External download due to size:


I got a weird cannot convert int to float error. TypeError: Cannot convert Type TensorType(float32, matrix) (of Variable Subtensor{int64:int64:}.0) into Type TensorType(float64, matrix)

Have you configured theano? Here is my .theanorc config (use cpu if you do not have a CUDA capable gpu):

device = gpu
floatX = float32

fastmath = True

I got an IO error about params.npz. IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: './experiments/ef0f220f13f115d34798a5f7e16e8c539e4eaee42564d07ed8f893b7fadaa8a0/params.npz'

You are probably trying to resume a failed experiment. Try the --force flag to override the previous one or simply delete the experiments folder.