


Exercise learning the foundations of Angular 2. This tutorial is based on Angular 2 alpha27 and the angular2-seed. In order to try it just clone the repo and follow the steps.

If you get stuck on any of the steps you can use the following branches, which contain the final solution for given chapter:

Step 1

<h1>Hello Angular2!</h1>

Congratulations! Now you already have a working Angular 2 application! You can test it by using the terminal. Go to the angular2-github-app-bootstrap directory and type gulp serve.dev inside your terminal window.

The result should be as follows:

Step 1

Step 2

Awesome! The second step is completed! If you haven't stopped gulp serve.dev just save the files you changed and refresh http://localhost:5555 in order to see the functionality you just implemented!

Step 2

Step 3

Did you notice that when you click on any of the users in the list on the right-hand side of the screen an error occurred? Now we're going to fix this!

Thats it. You're done with this exercise! You can try it the same way you tried "Step 2"! Congratulations! Here is what you should see as final result:

Step 3


This is the first iteration of the readme so there might be some typos, mistakes or tasks, which are not quite clear or too verbose. If you think you can improve the quality of the document just fork the repo and initiate a pull request, it will be greatly appreciated!
