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Nuts and bolts deep learning library to make training neural networks easier. Features:


To install, run pip install git+https://github.com/mfinzi/olive-oil-ml. Dependencies will be checked and installed from the setup.py file.


Jump into training a single model

To get a feel for the library, try training a (Classifier, Regressor, PiModel, GAN) model from our recipes. For classification try running

Or, to train a conditional GAN model:

Or train a PiModel semisupervised on CIFAR10 using only 1k labels:

You can use -h to see the full range of arguments available. Command line arguments and defaults are automatically inferred from the code used to construct the trial, so you can make a new trial (that uses some exotic data augmentation strategy for example) and the command line parser will generated for you, see the example recipes for how this works.

Perform a hyperparameter search

Example: Search over hyperparameters for CNN classifier on Cifar100

Logging Support

Interfacing with external libraries