


<!-- ALL-CONTRIBUTORS-BADGE:START - Do not remove or modify this section -->

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Metriql is an open-source metrics store which allows companies to define their metrics as code and share them across their BI and data tools easily. It uses dbt for the transformation layer and integrate with dbt via its manifest.json artifact. You can learn more about metriql from here.

This is the core repository of the metriql project. It includes the JDBC driver, REST API, and the CLI.


Running Metriql in your IDE

Run the following commands to pull Metriql and build it locally:

git clone https://github.com/metriql/metriql.git
cd metriql
./mvnw clean install -DskipTests
cd ./frontend && npm run build

We suggest using Intellij, here are the configuration that you need to run Metriql locally. Here is the required configuration:

Main class: com.metriql.ServiceStarterKt
Program arguments: serve --jdbc --manifest-json "https://metriql.github.io/metriql-public-demo/manifest.json"

Once you're with the setup, please make sure that:


Contributors ✨

We're currently hiring a senior software engineer in UK & France if you'd like to join our team and help us build the next big thing in the modern data stack!