


Clojars Project




Panel options:

Built-in panel component options:

1. :preload namespace

To enable, add reagent-dev-tools.preload to your :compiler-options :preloads. This will ensure that Dev tool is only included in the output JS for development builds.

To configure tool in this setup, you can use :external-config :reagent-dev-tools option:

:external-config {:reagent-dev-tools {:state-atom example.main/state
                                      :panels example.main/panels}}}}

2. Start manually based on compile time options

You could use goog.DEBUG or other Closure define options to call the start function on your application code:

(ns example.app
  (:require [reagent-dev-tools.core :as dev-tools]

;; FIXME: Is typehint required nowadays?
(when ^boolean goog.DEBUG
  (dev-tools/start! {:state-atom re-frame.db/app-db}))

Note: as you are requiring the namespace always, it is possible that Google Closure is not able to remove all reagent-dev-tools code during DCE.

3. Start dynamically and use separate module

You can use JS Modules or Shadow CLJS modules so split the reagent-dev-tools code to a separate module you can load dynamically. You could for example load some options from your backend, look at the browser location or localStorage.

(ns example.app
  (:require [shadow.loader :as loader]))

;; Load reagent-dev-tools on localhost, using specific hash url
;; or if enabled manually from JS console.
(defn enable-dev-tools []
  (case (.. js/document -location -hash)
    "#enable-dev-tool" (do
                         (.setItem js/localStorage "reagent-dev-tools" "1")
                         (loader/load "devtools"))
    "#disable-dev-tool" (.removeItem js/localStorage "reagent-dev-tools")

  (when (or (= "localhost" (.. js/document -location -hostname))
            (.getItem js/localStorage "reagent-dev-tools"))
    (loader/load "devtools")))

(defn ^:export enable-dev-tools! []
  (.setItem js/localStorage "reagent-dev-tools" "1")

(.addEventListener js/window "load" (fn [] (enable-dev-tools)))
(ns example.dev
  (:require [reagent-dev-tools.core :as dev-tools]

(dev-tools/start! {:state-atom re-frame.db/app-db})

4. Using the components as part of the application

Reagent component reagent-dev-tools.core/dev-tool can also be used directly as part of Reagent applications.


Custom type handling

Custom handlers can be registered to better display if custom collection type is displayed, so it can be differentiated from regular vectors and maps:

  #(dev-tools/collection-info-handler "LinkedMap" "{LinkedMap, " (count %) " keys}"))


The panels components can access the panel options map through React context defined in reagent-dev-tools/context. Check state-tree implementation.


Copyright © 2015-2022 Metosin Oy

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.