Set Up
clone the repo
git clone
Install npm dependencies
npm install
Do not use meteor npm install. Instead use npm install @polymer/components-name
Load components.
Load webcomponents and polymer before everything else.
/* imports/ui/index.js */
import "webcomponents.js/webcomponents-lite.min.js";
import "@polymer/polymer/polymer.html";
Load third party components you use on the go.
/* imports/ui/components/test-element.js */
import "@polymer/paper-button/paper-button.html";
Note that you cannot use
<link rel="import" href="@polymer/component/component.html">
from html files since synthesis considers link import paths as relative. You can give absolute path(relative path from root directory) as href though.
Load your components using import/require from js files. You can use link imports from html files.
/* imports/ui/index.js */
import "./components/test-element.html";