

<!-- Title: Meteor Webcomponents Compiler for Meteor Polymer integration Description: Compiler for polymer/webcomponents in meteor. -->

This project is depricated. Only for meteor < 1.3 #For meteor 1.3+ we have Synthesis


What is mwc (meteor-webcomponents) compiler ?

Automates Polymer vulcanizing in Meteor

Why ?

Actually its difficult to code Polymer with Meteor, Meteor not support extra <template> tag, You can solve it by 2 ways

mwc:compiler automatically watch Polymer project folder anywhere in local file system & added to meteor after vulcanizing

How to use it ?

Install mwc:compiler package to your Meteor App

    $ meteor add mwc:compiler

Keep the compiler.mwc.json named configuration file with the following properties under /client folder of your Meteor App.

Here is a sample compiler.mwc.json:

    "root" : ".polymer",

    "append": [

    "import": [



    "extensions": {
        "mwc:ecmascript@1.0.8": {
            "compileFunction": "MWCEcmascript"

Refer https://github.com/meteorwebcomponents/extensions for more details on extensions.

Keep all bower_components, custom polymer elements, etc in the root (here it will be .polymer) vulcanizer root directory.

##Related Projects

MWC Mixin - Mixin for polymer/webcomponents in meteor.

MWC Router - Reactive routing for polymer/webcomponents in meteor.

MWC Layout - polymer layout renderer


<img width="1280" alt="screen shot 2016-02-12 at 2 16 47 pm" src="https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/1298779/13002443/8ec7255a-d194-11e5-8297-096ff642e00d.png"> <p align="center"> <img width="363" alt="screen shot 2016-02-12 at 2 22 25 pm" src="https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/1298779/13002446/94f7701a-d194-11e5-9864-42100dd614d7.png"> </p>