Meteor React Native Starter Boilerplate
A boilerplate for Meteor and React Native written in ES6.
What's in the box
- Onboarding - swipe through welcome panels
- Accounts - create accounts & sign up
- CRUD - add, update, items to a collection
Christmas list
- Fonts
- Material design (?)
Quick Start
0. Prerequisites
- Meteor is installed
- React Native cli is installed
npm install -g react-native-cli
1. Start the Meteor backend server
cd meteor && meteor
--> Open a new tab <--
2. Run on iOS (Mac only. Very easy)
cd Starter && npm install && npm run ios
then click the 'Play' button on Xcode.
2. Run on Android (More complicated)
After following the Android Setup instructions,
cd Starter && react-native run-android
React Native & Meteor - why, how, what?
How do they work together?
React Native - is responsible for the native apps Meteor is the server, providing the methods, account system etc.
Why do they work well together?
- JS everywhere - React Native apps are written in JS. So are Meteor apps. This means more code reuse.
- Easy backend set up - Meteor has an awesome built-in accounts system and much more. You can set up a decent backend in a few lines of code.
Additionally, there are many benefits of using Meteor as a backend such as free dev hosting etc.
How do they communicate?
Meteor sends data via its proprietary DDP protocol.
This is used to call
methods on the server and subscribe
to data.
Why not use Meteor + Ionic + Cordova?
It's been possible to build PhoneGap / Cordova apps for a while. You use the frontend library Ionic with Meteor's Blaze which have been tied together nicely by Meteoric.
If you're trying to decide between React Native and Cordova, make sure to read up on the grand old hybrid vs. native debate.
- More frontend code reuse (especially if your app is written with Blaze)
- Gentler learning curve / more familiar technologies
- Some worrying bugs, like very long time top open app
- Many believe Blaze is on the way out
- Ionic was designed to work with Angular. Meteoric is a hack (albeit a very good one).
Our 10 cents:
- If the user experience has to be really slick, use React Native. If not (e.g. B2B apps) Meteoric is probably ok.
- Prototyping quickly -> Meteoric + Cordova. Building for the long haul -> React Native
This repo was inspired by and relies heavily on the code from @spencercarli's awesome Meteor Todos