

<p align="center"> <picture> <source media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)" srcset="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wiki/metaory/mxflow-cli/assets/card.png"> <source media="(prefers-color-scheme: light)" srcset="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wiki/metaory/mxflow-cli/assets/card.png"> <img width="90%" alt="mxflow" src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wiki/metaory/mxflow-cli/assets/card.png"> </picture> <br> <a href="#why">Why</a> | <a href="#installation">Installation</a> | <a href="#usage">Usage</a> | <a href="#config">Config</a> | <a href="#videos">Videos</a> </p> <div align="center"> <a href="https://npmjs.org/package/mxflow"> <img src="https://img.shields.io/npm/v/mxflow" alt="NPM Version"/> </a> <a href="https://npmjs.org/package/mxflow"> <img src="https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/mxflow" alt="NPM Downloads"/> </a> <a href="https://github.com/metaory/mxflow-cli/actions/workflows/main.yml"> <img src="https://img.shields.io/github/workflow/status/metaory/mxflow-cli/MXFlow%20npm%20Package" alt="GH Status"/> </a> <a href="https://github.com/metaory/mxflow-cli"> <img src="https://img.shields.io/github/languages/code-size/metaory/mxflow-cli" alt="Code Size"/> </a> </div> <p align="center"> :zap: A Beautiful, Friendly, General purpose CLI task runner :rocket: </p> <p align="center"> <img width="75%" src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wiki/metaory/mxflow-cli/assets/screenshot.png"> </p>

mxflow is a CLI task runner which configured via a YAML config file.

It searches for a .mxflow/config.yml in the current directory and parent directories recursively up which it then parses for commands and arguments


<!-- Group commands under a workflow, write steps, use special commands like `confirm` --> <!-- The main goal of the mxflow project is to streamline and simplify complex processes -->

Major Features

<!-- ## a CICD for internal processes and workflows on local machines for teams --> <!-- --- --> <!-- ##### :boom: Unopinionated config based workflow **engine** --> <!-- ##### :poop: Human readable yaml config --> <!-- ##### :card_file_box: Streamline complex workflows across teams --> <!-- ##### :bulb: Simplify complex commands -->



Install the package, globally:

sudo npm i -g mxflow

Setup shell tab completion:

mxflow --setup-completion

make sure to run this command once, in case you have ran this command more than once, you can run the mxflow --clean-completion to clean.


mxflow [<action>] [<args>] [<flags>]

CLI Options

  init                    | init sample configuration
  trigger <workflow-name> | non-interactive workflow trigger
  view                    | view config
  edit                    | edit config
  reset                   | reset config
  version, --version      | show version
  help, --help            | help menu
  -v, --verbose           | verbose logs
  -F, --force             | force bypass confirmation prompts
  --no-catch-git          | bypass initial git checks
  --setup-completion      | setup shell tab completion
  --clean-completion      | cleanup tab completion`,


For a fully interactive experience;

mxflow # or mxf

To bypass confirmation prompts;

mxflow --force

To interactively select a workflow to trigger;

mxflow trigger

To trigger a particular workflow interactively;

mxflow trigger create-flight

To trigger a particular workflow with arguments;

mxflow trigger create-flight --taskId my-tsk --description my-desc --force



mxflow trigger foobar --foo fval --bar bar-xorg

# The CLI Version
version: 0.60.0
# The milliseconds to wait between commands
sleep: 1000
# Should exit upon first error code faced
exit_on_error: false
# Config Workflows
  # Workflow name
    # Workflow description
    description: example placeholder
    # Checks to run before workflow. Possible checks are: [git-clean]
      - git-clean
    # Variables to collect to be available later on steps
      # Variable name
      - name: foo
        # Variable type. Possible types are: [string, number]
        type: string
      - name: bar
        type: string
        # Regex to test argument input
        regex: ^bar+\w
        # The default value for the variable
        default: barxorg
        # Set a different name for the variable
        export: barx
    # Steps are list of commands to execute
      # Variable name or its export are available with braces
      - echo {foo} world
        # Variable export
      - echo goodbye {foo} {barx} cruel world
        # the `current-branch` is a special variable; always available
      - echo git branch is {current-branch}
        # Appending `confirm` will add a confirmation step before the following command
      - confirm shutdown -h now
        # Its possible to use system environment variable; resolved at runtime
        # Or use braces syntax; it will resolve before execution

<details> <summary><h2>Config Reference</h2></summary>

version - config version

exit_on_error - (optional) should exit on any command with a non-zero exit code, default is false

sleep - (optional) adds a delay between each command, default is 1000

workflows - object with workflows

</details> <details> <summary><h2>Workflow Reference</h2></summary>

description - workflow description

checks - checks to run before workflow. Possible checks are: [git-clean]

args - list of arguments

args[*].name - what user inputs as argument

args[*].type - validation type; string | number

args[*].export - (optional) the exported variable, default is args[*].name

args[*].default - (optional) the default value, if any

args[*].regex - (optional) validation pattern

steps - list of commands to run

steps[*] - the command to run, any shell command string, with some specials commands

note: you can write a cd pre-step to change cwd of the following command

note: you can add a confirm prefix to add confirmation prompt

note: at the moment there are some git commands: checkout-branch, list-logs, log-bugtracker. Check wiki for usage example

</details> <details> <summary><h2>Config Variables</h2></summary>

Example: echo foo {variable} bar

</details> <!-- ### Special command prefix --> <!-- - `confirm {command}` _adds a confirmation step to any commands_ --> <details> <summary><h2>Real-world Use-cases</h2></summary> </details> </details>


<details> <summary><h1>Videos</h1></summary>



Interactive Usage


Argument Usage


