

just_gtfs - header-only modern C++ library for reading and writing GTFS feeds

GTFS reader and writer for C++

C++ MIT license contributions welcome

Table of Contents


The just_gtfs library implements reading and writing static transit data in GTFS - General Transit Feed Specification.

Its main features:

Reading and writing GTFS feeds

Library provides main class for working with GTFS feeds: gtfs::Feed. It also provides classes for each of the 17 GTFS entities: Route, Stop, Pathway, Translation and others. GTFS csv files are mapped to the corresponding C++ classes. Every GTFS entity can be accessed through gtfs::Feed corresponding getters & setters.

Method for reading GTFS feed. Path to the feed is specified in the Feed constructor:

Result read_feed(strict=true)

Flag strict is used to interrupt feed parsing in case of absence or errors in required GTFS files. If you want to read incomplete feed, set it to false.

Method for getting reference to the Agencies - std::vector of all Agency objects of the feed:

const Agencies & get_agencies()

Method for finding agency by its id. Returns Agency so you should check if the result struct is empty:

const & Agency get_agency(const Id & agency_id)

Method for adding agency to the feed:

void add_agency(const Agency & agency)

Method for writing agencies to the agency.txt file to gtfs_path.

Result write_agencies(const std::string & gtfs_path)

Method for writing all GTFS entities (not only agencies, but stops, stop times, calendar etc):

Result write_feed(const std::string & gtfs_path)

:pushpin: There are similar methods for all other GTFS entities for getting the list of entities, finding and adding them. For some of them additional methods are provided. For example, you can find all the stop times for current stop by its id:

StopTimes get_stop_times_for_stop(const Id & stop_id)

Or you can find stop times for the particular trip:

StopTimesRange get_stop_times_for_trip(const Id & trip_id, bool sort_by_sequence = true)

Example of reading GTFS feed and working with its stops and routes

:pushpin: Provide gtfs::Feed the feed path, read it and work with GTFS entities such as stops and routes:

Feed feed("~/data/SFMTA/");
if (feed.read_feed() == ResultCode::OK)
  Stops stops = feed.get_stops();
  std::cout << "Stops count in feed: " << stops.size() << std::endl;

  for (const Stop & stop: stops)
    std::cout << stop.stop_id << std::endl;

  Route route = feed.get_route("route_id_1009");
  if (route)
    std::cout << route->route_long_name << std::endl;

Example of parsing shapes.txt and working with its contents

GTFS feed can be wholly read from directory as in the example above or you can read GTFS files separately. E.g., if you need only shapes data, you can avoid parsing all other files and just work with the shapes.

:pushpin: Read only shapes.txt from the feed and work with shapes:

Feed feed("~/data/SFMTA/");
if (feed.read_feed() == ResultCode::OK)
  Shapes all_shapes = feed.get_shapes();
  Shape shape = feed.get_shape("9367");

  for (const ShapePoint & point: shape)
    std::cout << point.shape_pt_lat << " " << point.shape_pt_lon << std::endl;

Example of writing GTFS:

:pushpin: If you already filled the feed object with data that suits you, you can write it to the corresponding path:

Feed feed;

// Fill feed with agencies, stops, routes and other required data:



How to add library to your project

cmake .
ctest --output-on-failure --verbose

The library makes use of the C++17 features and therefore you have to use the appropriate compiler version.

Used third-party tools


Please open a Github issue with as much of the information as you're able to specify, or create a pull request according to our guidelines.


GTFS reference in Google GitHub repository

GTFS reference on Google Transit API