


Shins Is Not Slate

Note: development on Shins has stopped. Please see ReSlate for the replacement.

Beautiful static documentation for your API.


Shins is a port of Slate to Javascript / Nodejs, and would not be possible without all of that hard work.

Version numbers of Shins aim to track the version of Slate they are compatible with.




Or, to deploy to GitHub Pages:

To deploy to your own web-server:

If you use the option --minify to shins, the only things you need to take to your web host is the generated index.html and the contents of the pub directory, which should be kept relative to it, so the structure is always:


If you use the --inline option to shins, then everything is bundled into the index.html file and no pub directory is required. Fonts are by default loaded from this github repository, but this can be overridden with the --fonturl option.


A Dockerfile is included. To build:

to run:

Multiple Shins pages / portal

There is a simple example of using an index markdown file as an entry point to a collection of Shins pages here.


const shins = require('shins');
let options = {};
options.cli = false; // if true, missing files will trigger an exit(1)
options.minify = false;
options.customCss = false;
options.inline = false;
options.unsafe = false; // setting to true turns off markdown sanitisation
options['no-links'] = false; // if true, do not automatically convert links in text to anchor tags
//options.source = filename; // used to resolve relative paths for included files
shins.render(markdownString, options, function(err, html) {
  // ...

or, with Promises:

const shins = require('shins');
let options = {};
options.cli = false; // if true, missing files will trigger an exit(1)
options.minify = false;
options.customCss = false;
options.inline = false;
options.unsafe = false; // setting to true turns off markdown sanitisation
options['no-links'] = false; // if true, do not automatically convert links in text to anchor tags
//options.source = filename; // used to resolve relative paths for included files
options.logo = './my-custom-logo.png';
options['logo-url'] = 'https://www.example.com';
shins.render(markdownString, options)
.then(html => {
  // ...

The err parameter is the result of the ejs rendering step.

Setting customCss to true will include the pub/css/screen_overrides.css,pub/css/print_overrides.css and pub/css/theme_override.css files, in which you can override any of the default Slate theme, to save you from having to alter the main css files directly. This should make syncing up with future Shins / Slate releases easier.

Setting inline to true will inline all page resources (except resources referenced via CSS, such as fonts) to output html. This way HTML can be used stand-alone, without needing any other resources. It will also set minify to true.

Set logo path to add your custom logo as absolute path or path relative to process working directory. If inline option is on image will be inlined, else it will be copied to source/images directory and included via src image attribute.

Set logo-url if you want the logo image to link to a webpage.

Updating from Slate


Shins in the wild

Please feel free to add a link to your API documentation here