

Sitecore Logger

The Logger Module provides a set of static methods to use for logging. I.E. Logger.Error("Error message"). The class will dynamically invoke processors which will write log entries to a specific target. I.E. you can enable the SitecoreLogProcessor to write to the standard Sitecore log. You can easily implement own processors.

Configuration of the logger is done via config file. Also, a config item can be used to allow configuration changes at runtime.

Logger - How it works

##Usage Usage is very simple. Just use one of Logger's static methods to log an event.

Namics.Foundation.Logger.Logger.Warn("Some warning");

Installation Guide

To set up the module, follow these steps:

  1. Install the logger package using the Sitecore Installation Wizard
  2. Configure Logging and Processors in the /App_Config/Include/Namics.Logger.config

To set up the runtime configuration item:

  1. Create a new Item inheriting the /sitecore/templates/Modules/Namics Logger/Namics Logger Config Template
  2. Set the path of the newly created item in Namics.Logger.config in the setting Namics.Debug.ConfigItemPath


The following configuration options are available:

SettingExample ValueDescription
Namics.Debug.ConfigItemPath/sitecore/system/Modules/Namics Logger/Logger ConfigPath to the configuration item. If empty or if the item doesn't exist, the config file is used as fallback
Namics.Debug.LogLevel* NONE * AUDIT * FATAL * ERROR * WARN * INFO * DEBUGSets the log level. DEBUG will log all messages while NONE won't log any messages at all.
Namics.Debug.LogProcessorse.g. MyNamespace.MyClass | MyNamespace.MyOtherClassList of processor class names separated by a pipe
Namics.Debug.Console.AllowedIp127.0.0.1 | | 10.0. | 10.1.List of IP prefixes. The prefix of the user's IP needs to match to enable browser console logging via HTTP Headers. Use "ALL" as value to enable logging for all IPs.

The database for the database logger can be configured in the ConnectionStrings config, e.g.:

  <!-- Other connection strings -->
  <add name="DatabaseLog" connectionString="user id=MyDatabaseUser;password=MyPassword;Data Source=MyDatabaseServer;Database=MyDatabaseName;"/>

Note: If you use an older version, please replace Namics.Foundation.Logger to Namics.Opensource.Modules.Logger. We've changed the Namespace in one of the latest releases to be closer to the technical parlance of HELIX.

Log Processors

Included in Namics Logger

TitleFully qualified class nameDescription
SitecoreLogProcessorNamics.Foundation.Logger. Processors.SitecoreLog.SitecoreLogProcessorWrites log entries to the standard sitecore log.
BrowserConsoleLogProcessorNamics.Foundation.Logger. Processors.BrowserConsoleLog.Writes log entries to the browser console log using HTTP headers (FirePHP protocol) if the user's IP matches the configured IP prefix. Refer to FirePHP for details. If your server is behind an application firewall, you might need to enable the HTTP headers as described in the FirePHP Reference.
MemoryLogProcessorNamics.Foundation.Logger. Processors.MemoryLog.MemoryLogProcessorWrites log entries to a static collection in memory. The log entry collection can be accessed via MemoryLogProcessor.Entries and can be cleared using MemoryLogProcessor.Clear(). Caution: log entries of all threads are written into the collection simultaneously. It is not recommended to use this processor in production.
DatabaseLogProcessorNamics.Foundation.Logger. Processors.DatabaseLog.DatabaseLogProcessorWrites log entries to the configured SQL database. The database is configured using the Sitecore ConnectionString config by adding an entry with the name 'DatabaseLog'. If it doesn't already exist, the module will create a table also called 'DatabaseLog' for you.

Implement an own Log Processor

To implement an own Log Processor, simply implement the Namics.Foundation.Logger.Processors.ILogProcessor interface and add the fully qualified name of your class to the BrowserConsoleLogProcessor list in config.

public class OwnLogger : Namics.Foundation.Logger.Processors.ILogProcessor
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes a log entry.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pEntry">
        /// The log entry object
        /// </param>
        public void WriteLogEntry(LogEntry pEntry)
            // Do something with the log entry here

Displaying Browser Console Log Messages in Chrome or Firefox


Install Firebug and the FirePHP addon. That's all.


Install the FirePHP4Chrome Extension.


PHPStorm Logger Sample