No Strings Attached
To install, add the NSA plugin to your project/plugins.sbt
addSbtPlugin("com.mentatlabs.nsa" % "sbt-nsa" % "0.0.1")
Afterwards, you will be able to abuse strongly typed Scala versions (note the `backticks`):
scala> `2.11.8`
res0: com.mentatlabs.nsa.scalac.ScalacVersion = 2.11.8
scala> res0.major
res1: Int = 8
scala> res0.minor
res2: Int = 11
scala> `2.9.1-1` > `2.9.1`
res3: Boolean = true
Strongly typed Scalac options:
scala> `-target` `jvm-1.8`
res0: com.mentatlabs.nsa.scalac.ScalacOptionChoice[String] = -target:jvm-1.8
scala> `-Xfatal-warnings`
res1: com.mentatlabs.nsa.scalac.options.ScalacXFatalWarnings.type = -Xfatal-warnings
scala> `-encoding` `UTF-8`
res2: com.mentatlabs.nsa.NsaPlugin.autoImport.-encoding.CompilerOptionType = -encoding UTF-8
Experimental DSL is also available :
scala> import nsaExperimentalDsl._
import nsaExperimentalDsl._
scala> -target jvm-1.8
res0: com.mentatlabs.nsa.scalac.ScalacOptionChoice[String] = -target:jvm-1.8
scala> -Xfatal-warnings
res1: com.mentatlabs.nsa.scalac.options.ScalacXFatalWarnings.type = -Xfatal-warnings
scala> -encoding UTF-8
res2: com.mentatlabs.nsa.NsaPlugin.autoImport.nsaExperimentalDsl.encoding.unary_-.CompilerOptionType = -encoding UTF-8
Usage in build.sbt
scalaVersion := `2.10.6`
nsaScalacOptions ++= Seq(
, `-encoding` `UTF-8`
, `-feature`
, `-language` `_`
, `-optimise`
, `-unchecked`
, `-Xcheckinit`
, `-Xfatal-warnings`
, `-Xlint`
, `-Xno-forwarders`
, `-Xno-uescape`
, `-Xstrict-inference`
, `-Xverify`
, `-Yclosure-elim`
, `-Ydead-code`
, `-Yinline-warnings`
, `-Yinline`
, `-Yrepl-sync`
, `-Ywarn-adapted-args`
, `-Ywarn-dead-code`
, `-Ywarn-inaccessible`
, `-Ywarn-nullary-override`
, `-Ywarn-nullary-unit`
, `-Ywarn-numeric-widen`
Usage of experimental DSL in build.sbt
import nsaExperimentalDsl._
scalaVersion := `2.10.6`
nsaScalacOptions ++= Seq(
, -encoding UTF-8
, -feature
, -language `_`
, -optimise
, -unchecked
, -Xcheckinit
, -Xfatal-warnings
, -Xlint
, -Xno-forwarders
, -Xno-uescape
, -Xstrict-inference
, -Xverify
, -Yclosure-elim
, -Ydead-code
, -Yinline-warnings
, -Yinline
, -Yrepl-sync
, -Ywarn-adapted-args
, -Ywarn-dead-code
, -Ywarn-inaccessible
, -Ywarn-nullary_override
, -Ywarn-nullary-unit
, -Ywarn-numeric-widen
Usually, when cross-building, you need to manually track settings of each scalac version:
def scalac2_12Options = Seq(...)
def scalac2_11Options = Seq(...)
def scalac2_10Options = Seq(...)
scalacOptions ++= (CrossVersion.partialVersion(scalaVersion.value) match {
case Some((2, major)) if major >= 12 =>
scalac2_10Options ++ scalac2_11Options ++ scalac2_12Options
case Some((2, major)) if major == 11 =>
scalac2_10Options ++ scalac2_11Options
case _ =>
understands the capabilities of each Scalac, and will hide unsupported compiler options:
> ++2.11.8
[info] Setting version to 2.11.8
[info] Reapplying settings...
[info] Set current project to sbt-nsa (in build file:/code/sbt-nsa/)
> show scalacOptions
[info] List(-deprecation, -encoding, UTF-8, -feature, -language:_, -optimise, -unchecked, -Xcheckinit, -Xfatal-warnings, -Xlint, -Xno-forwarders, -Xno-uescape, -Xstrict-inference, -Xverify, -Yclosure-elim, -Ydead-code, -Yinline-warnings, -Yinline, -Yrepl-sync, -Ywarn-adapted-args, -Ywarn-dead-code, -Ywarn-inaccessible, -Ywarn-nullary-override, -Ywarn-nullary-unit, -Ywarn-numeric-widen)
[success] Total time: 0 s, completed 05.04.2016. 12:29:58
> ++2.8.0
[info] Setting version to 2.8.0
[info] Reapplying settings...
[info] Set current project to sbt-nsa (in build file:/code/sbt-nsa/)
> show scalacOptions
[info] List(-deprecation, -encoding, UTF-8, -optimise, -unchecked, -Xcheckinit, -Xfatal-warnings, -Xno-forwarders, -Xno-uescape, -Yclosure-elim, -Ydead-code, -Yinline, -Ywarn-dead-code)
[success] Total time: 0 s, completed 05.04.2016. 12:30:01
> ++2.0.0
[info] Setting version to 2.0.0
[info] Reapplying settings...
[info] Set current project to sbt-nsa (in build file:/code/sbt-nsa/)
> show scalacOptions
[info] List(-encoding, UTF-8)
[success] Total time: 0 s, completed 05.04.2016. 12:30:03
Coming soon to your local SBT project:
- Common use-case libraries
- Standardized licences (