


This repository contains code and tutorials for protein sequence design task from MGI-X, including Peptide binders design with MCTS-assisted AlphaFold and MCTS-assisted directed evolution

  title={Self-play reinforcement learning guides protein engineering},
  author={Yi Wang, Hui Tang, Lichao Huang, Lulu Pan, Lixiang Yang, Huanming Yang, Feng Mu, Meng Yang},
  url={x x x},


Detail in ./environment/EvoPlay_binderdesign_env_py38_cuda11.yml

### conda env export > EvoPlay_binderdesign_env_py38_cuda11.yml

  - cudatoolkit=11.3.1=h2bc3f7f_2
  - cudnn=
  - numpy=1.23.1=py38h6c91a56_0
  - numpy-base=1.23.1=py38ha15fc14_0
  - python=3.8.10=hb7a2778_2_cpython
  - python-dateutil=2.8.2=pyhd3eb1b0_0
  - pytorch=1.12.1=py3.8_cuda11.3_cudnn8.3.2_0
  - pytorch-mutex=1.0=cuda
  - tensorflow-estimator=2.7.1=cuda112py38hf5dcc89_0
  - tensorflow-gpu=2.7.1=cuda112py38h0bbbad9_0
  - pip:
    - chex==0.0.7
    - contextlib2==21.6.0
    - dm-haiku==0.0.4
    - dm-tree==0.1.7
    - etils==0.8.0
    - immutabledict==2.0.0
    - jax==0.3.13
    - jaxlib==0.3.10+cuda11.cudnn82
    - logomaker==0.8
    - ml-collections==0.1.0
    - pandas==1.5.0
    - py3dmol==1.8.1
    - pytz==2022.4
    - pyyaml==6.0
    - seaborn==0.12.0
    - svgwrite==1.4.3
    - tabulate==0.9.0
    - toolz==0.12.0
    - tree==0.2.4

Getting started

In the first step, you will need to download parameters&datasets to run each notebook and reproduce the result. The download links for datasets are shown in a folder named "data" in the following tasks directories.

Step1: Clone this repository and cd into it.

mkdir your_workspace
cd your_workspace
git clone https://github.com/melobio/EvoPlay

Step2: Download parameters

cd ./code/Peptide_task/AF/
bash download_alphafold_params.sh ./
ls -l ./data

Step2: Pull Docker image or Local Installation

Configure the environment or use the docker image. You can deploy the EvoPlay environment in two ways:

  1. Pull EvoPlay Docker image

The docker image has a total size of 24GB, including the alphafold parameter file (3.5GB), the complete conda environment EvoPlay, cuda11.5 and cudnn8 with Ubuntu18.04, and we will provide dockerfile versions and smaller versions later.

# Old docker images, size about: 24.3GB, only for peptide_task
docker pull licko789/EvoZero:peptide

# New docker images, size about: 29.2GB, for all EvoPlay task
docker pull licko789/EvoZero:latest

And then, launch EvoPlay docker image and enter the container interactively.

in the folder your_workspace,

# Launch EvoPlay docker image
nvidia-docker run \
  -it -rm licko789/EvoZero:latest \
  -v /your_workspace:/docker_workspace \
  1. Install environment locally in Ubuntu
conda create -n EvoPlay python=3.8 -y
source activate EvoPlay
conda update -n base conda -y
conda install cudnn==8.2 cudatoolkit==11.3 -y 
conda install -c conda-forge openmm==7.5.1 pdbfixer matplotlib
# install alignment tools
conda install -c conda-forge -c bioconda kalign3=3.2.2 hhsuite=3.3.0 -y
conda install -y nb_conda scikit-learn biopython

# install jax. note: jax beyond 3.16 does not apply to AF2.0
pip install https://storage.googleapis.com/jax-releases/cuda11/jaxlib-0.3.10+cuda11.cudnn82-cp38-none-manylinux2014_x86_64.whl
pip install jax==0.3.13

# install pytorch and tensorflow-gpu
conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio cudatoolkit -c pytorch -y
conda install tensorflow-gpu=2.7

pip install seaborn logomaker tree dm-tree py3Dmol
pip install chex==0.0.7 dm-haiku==0.0.4 immutabledict==2.0.0 ml-collections==0.1.0

# Added, support for gluc, gfp and other tasks of EvoPlay
pip install openpyxl tape-proteins xlrd==1.2.0

Step3: Execute specific task

EvoPlay is used for four missions, and you can see the four mission code directories in the Code directory:

EvoPlay Peptide Design Task

We used the MCTS strategy with AlphaFold as a predictor for the design of receptor protein-polypeptide complexes. Main code In EvoPlay/code/peptide_manuscript/:

The output files are: the new polypeptide sequence designed by EvoPlay, the plddt score corresponding to the sequence, the loss result, the 3D structure file of the peptide, and the hyper-parameters of the EvoPlay-peptide model.


It supports optimal peptide design under playout loss and move loss, AlphaFold feature extraction and intermediate feature preservation.

You can run it In your local conda environment

source activate evoplay
cd EvoPlay/code/peptide_task
bash ./Run_manustript_design.sh

In addition,we also provide a complete docker image for users to use:

# pull docker images
docker pull licko789/EvoPlay:peptide
nvidia-docker run -it --name demo -v /your_workspace/:/workspace licko789/EvoPlay:peptide /bin/bash

# Run
conda activate /opt/env/evoplay
cd /opt/EvoPlay_for_codeocean/code/peptide_task/
bash Run_manustript_design.sh

# Run MCMC
conda activate /opt/env/evoplay
cd /opt/EvoPlay_for_codeocean/code/peptide_task/src/binder_design_MC-codeocean
bash mcmc_design_local_HLC_repitition.sh

And then you can find your result in EvoPlay/results/EvoPlay_output.

The output files are: the new polypeptide sequence designed by EvoPlay, the plddt score corresponding to the sequence, the loss result, the 3D structure file of the peptide, and the hyper-parameters of the EvoPlay-peptide model.





Main code In EvoPlay/code/PAB1_GFP_task/:


Getting started

In this task, We train our EvoPlay on two protein dataset(PAB1、GFP) and generate new sequences. to perform this task,we just need two steps:

Step1: Generate new sequences by using the below command:

source activate EvoPlay
cd EvoPlay/code/PAB1_GFP_task
python train_m_single_m_p_pab1.py

After runing this command,the generated sequences will be stored in the EvoPlay_pab1_generated_sequence_1.csv,we can use the oracle landscape to evaluate the quality of the generated sequences.

Step2: evaluate generated sequences by using the below command:

python evaluate_by_oracle.py

After runing this command,the result will be displayed on the output screen.

GLuc design task

GLuc design task corresponds to Gaussia luciferase engineering in the manuscript


The model input files in /code/GLuc_design_task/input_file are processed from 5-Gluc突变体位点信息.xlsx in folder*/data/GLuc_design_preprocess_data/in_house_variant_preprocess*, and all Intermediate files generated during the preprocessing are in this folder. See gluc_data_process.ipynb for details of preprocessing.

EvoPlay-assisted directed evolution

GB1_PhoQ_task corresponds to "EvoPlay-assisted directed evolution" task in the manuscript.


Generate training data


An whole 500 repeats of completely generated training sequences are stored in /data/GB1_PhoQ_data/results/GB1_384trainingSeqs_500repeats_30simulatin folder,and their supervised training results are in folder*/data/GB1_PhoQ_data/results/GB1_mlde_supervised_output*, which are computed using the code of ftMLDE(https://github.com/fhalab/MLDE).
