

This plugin has been superceded by https://github.com/cloudfoundry/cf-java-client/tree/master/cloudfoundry-gradle-plugin


This plugin allows you to deploy, update, remove applications thanks to Gradle tasks. It is intended to replace the use of vmc to deploy such applications.

The plugin adds the following tasks:


Configuration is either project based or task based. It is simpler to use project configuration. Here is a sample Gradle project.

buildscript {
       repositories {
       dependencies {
           classpath group: 'org.gradle.api.plugins', name: 'gradle-cf-plugin', version: '0.1.0-SNAPSHOT'

   apply plugin: 'cloudfoundry'

   cloudfoundry {
      username = 'login@domain.foo'
      password = 's3cr3t'
      application = 'appName'
      framework = 'grails'
      file = new File('/path/to/app.war')
      uris = ['http://appName.cloudfoundry.com']

Then usage is simple:

This will deploy the application: gradle cf-push

The configuration options are:

Adding a service

Adding a service makes use of another configuration section:

cloudfoundryService {
  	serviceName = 'service1'
   	vendor = 'mongodb'
   	version = '1.8'

The cloudfoundryService section accepts several parameters:

Removing a service

Removing a service makes use of the same cloudfoundryService section, and uses the serviceName option. If the value of the service name is *, then all services are removed.

Overriding properties from command line

In addition to the build.gradle based configuration, it is also possible to use command line options to set properties. For example, to create a new service, you can use the following command line (assuming you set the cloudfoundry section in the build.gradle file):

gradle cf-add-service -PcloudfoundryService.serviceName='mongodb-1' -PcloudfoundryService.vendor='mongodb'

Support for standalone applications

CloudFoundry has support for standalone applications. In that case, you must configure the following options:

For example:

cloudfoundry {
   username = 'user@domain.com'
   application = 'myapp'
   framework = 'standalone'
   runtime = 'java'
   command = "$name/bin/$name"
   file = distZip.archivePath
   uris = ['http://myurl.vcap.me']
   memory = 256

Future work

Future work includes ability to add users and support other features of Cloud Foundry. Any help is appreciated.