

Explaining Deepfake Detection by Analysing Image Matching

This repo includes the authors' MegEngine implementation of the paper Explaining Deepfake Detection by Analysing Image Matching. 【ECCV 2022】


In this work, we interpret how deepfake detection models learn artifact features of images when just supervised by binary labels. To this end, three hypotheses from the perspective of image matching are proposed as follows.

In experiments, the above hypotheses are verified, which provides new insights to the task of deepfake detection. Furthermore, based on this understanding, we propose the FST-Matching Deepfake Detection Model to boost the performance of forgery detection on compressed videos.

<img src="./SFT_Abstract.png" alt="SFT_Abstract" style="zoom:30%;" />



Data Preparation

  1. Download the dataset from FF++ and put them under the ./data.
└── data
    └── FaceForensics++
        ├── original_sequences
        │   └── youtube
        │       └── raw
        │           └── videos
        │               └── *.mp4
        ├── manipulated_sequences
        │   ├── Deepfakes
        │		├── raw
        │			└── videos
        │               └── *.mp4
        │		├── c23
        │			└── videos
        │               └── *.mp4
        │		├── c40
        │			└── videos
        │               └── *.mp4
        │   ├── Face2Face
        │		...
        │   ├── FaceSwap
        │		...
        │   ├── NeuralTextures
        │		...
        │   ├── FaceShifter
        │		...
  1. Download the landmark detector from here and put it in the folder ./lib.

  2. Run the code to extract frames from FF++ videos and save them under the ./images.

     python3 lib/extract_frames_ldm_ff++.py

Quick start

A demo to verify hypotheses

You can run the demo on a few images first, which can be download here. Please put them in the folder ./images.

Pretrained models for source/target/detection encoders can be found here. Please put them in the folder ./checkpoints.

Results will be saved in the folder ./results

python3  demo.py -c configs/res18.cfg --hypothesis 1/2/3

Training models

We currently provide a demo code to train the source/target/detection encoder and the FST-Matching Deepfake Detection Model.

python3  train.py --dataset ./images --ld ./images/ldm.json --model_type source/target/det/FSTMatching

Testing models

We currently provide a demo code to test the AUC of the model.

python3 test.py  --dataset ./images --ld ./images/ldm.json --model_type det/FSTMatching --epoch_num num


Coming soon


If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us via jirenhe@megvii.com.