


Machamp is a Benchmarking for the task of Generalized Entity Matching (GEM), which aims at performing entity matching between entries in structured, semi-structured, and unstructured format.

Task Description

For more details about the pre- and post-processing of the datasets, please refer to Section 3 and Appendix of our technique report.

Data Format

There are 7 benchmarking tasks in total. The name of the folder is corresponding to the task described in the paper. There are 5 files in each dataset folder:

Each table contains an array of records. Based on the format of entities in the left/right tables, the suffix of them can be .csv (structured), .json (semi-structured) or .txt (unstructured).

The instances in train/valid/test files are triplets separated by \t: The first item is the id of an entity in the left table, where id means the subscription in the array of records; The second item is the id of an entity in the right table; The third item is the ground truth label (0/1).

Statistics of Tasks

NameLeft #RowLeft #AttrRight #RowRight #AttrTrainValidTest% Positive

Left/Right #Row denotes the number of rows in the left/right table. Left/Right #Attr means the average number of attributes in the left/right table. Note that the number of attributes in an unstructured table is 1; the number of attributes for different records in a semi-structured table might be different from each other.

Benchmarking Results

We evaluated 2 traditional machine learning based approaches: SVM and Random Forest; and 5 deep learning approaches: DeepER, DeepMatcher, Transformer, SentenceBert and Ditto on the proposed tasks. The results of F1 score are as following.

SVMRandom ForestDeepERDeepMatcherTransformerSentenceBertDitto


If you are using the dataset, please cite the following in your work:

  author    = {Jin Wang and
               Yuliang Li and
               Wataru Hirota},
  title     = {Machamp: {A} Generalized Entity Matching Benchmark},
  booktitle = {CIKM},
  year      = {2021}


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IDDatasetModifiedCopyright HolderSource LinkLicense
1Fodor's and Zagat's restaurantYesUniversity of TexassourceBSD 3-Clause
2CitationsYesUniversity of LeipzigsourceBSD 3-Clause
3Magellan Book and MovieYesUniversity of Wiscosin MadisonsourceN/A
4WDC Product DataYesWeb Data CommonssourceCommon Crawl Terms of Use