


A repository demonstrates how to leverage the EaseAgent to monitor java applications.


With the EaseAgent, the metrics of spring-petclinic applications like throughput, latency, and tracing data could be collected by the Prometheus and tempo. The Grafana allows us to query, visualize, on and understand the metrics that we stored in tempo and Prometheus.

Quick Start


Start the full stack

We leverage the docker-compose to provision the full-stack service, services include:

As the spring-petclinic applications have integrated with the spring-cloud-sleuth. In order to avoiding interfering with the demonstration, we disable the spring sleuth via spring.sleuth.enabled=false and spring.sleuth.web.enabled=false.

After you clone the repository, you need to run git submodule update --init to update the submodule, which is the configuration of the spring-petclinic.

git submodule update --init

All images in the stacks are pulled from the docker official registry. You should make sure you can pull images from it. All images are official images. WE HAVE NOT CHANGE ANYTHING OF THEM.

Provisioning full-stack command is:

./spring-petclinic.sh start

The script will download the easeagent v2.1.0 release from the Github release page. You should make sure you can access the internet or Github. If you were hard to access the GitHub or internet, you could build easeagent from scratch and put the build target (easeagent-dep.jar) into the easeagent/downloaded/ directory, and rename the file name to easeagent-v2.1.0.jar.

Stop the full stack

After you finished the test, use the following command to destroy the service.

./spring-petclinic.sh stop


Just follow the step-by-step instructions which will guide you to get a good visualization.




The introduction about full metrics collected by the Prometheus is at here

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