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xone is a Linux kernel driver for Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S accessories. It serves as a modern replacement for xpad, aiming to be compatible with Microsoft's Game Input Protocol (GIP).


Installing xone will disable the xpad kernel driver. If you are still using Xbox or Xbox 360 peripherals, you will have to install xpad-noone as a replacement for xpad.

Important notes

This driver is still in active development. Use at your own risk! If you are running xow upgrading to xone is highly recommended! Always update your Xbox devices to the latest firmware version! Any feedback including bug reports, suggestions or ideas is greatly appreciated.


Supported devices


Packaging status

Feel free to package xone for any Linux distribution or hardware you like. Any issues regarding the packaging should be reported to the respective maintainers.




  1. Unplug your Xbox devices.

  2. Clone the repository:

git clone https://github.com/medusalix/xone
  1. Install xone:
cd xone
sudo ./install.sh

NOTE: You can use the --release flag to disable debug logging.

  1. Download the firmware for the wireless dongle:
sudo xone-get-firmware.sh

NOTE: The --skip-disclaimer flag might be useful for scripting purposes.

  1. Plug in your Xbox devices.


Make sure to completely uninstall xone before updating:

sudo ./uninstall.sh

Wireless pairing

Xbox devices have to be paired to the wireless dongle. They will not automatically connect to the dongle if they have been previously plugged into a USB port or used via Bluetooth.

Instructions for pairing your devices can be found here (see the section on Xbox Wireless).

LED control

The guide button LED can be controlled via sysfs:

echo 2 | sudo tee /sys/class/leds/gip*/mode
echo 5 | sudo tee /sys/class/leds/gip*/brightness

Changing the LED in the above way is temporary, it will only last until the device disconnects. To apply these settings automatically when a device connects, you can create a new udev rule in /etc/udev/rules.d/50-xone.rules with the following content:

ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="leds", KERNEL=="gip*", ATTR{mode}="2", ATTR{brightness}="5"

Replace the wildcard (gip*) if you want to control the LED of a specific device. The modes and the maximum brightness can vary from device to device.


Uninstall the release version and install a debug build of xone (see installation guide). Run sudo dmesg to gather logs and check for any error messages related to xone. If xone is not being loaded automatically you might have to reboot your system.

Error messages

Input issues

You can use evtest and fftest to check the input and force feedback functionality of your devices.

Other problems

Please join the Discord server in case of any other problems.


xone is released under the GNU General Public License, Version 2.

Copyright (C) 2021 Severin von Wnuck-Lipinski

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.