Require YAML files with Webmake
To use this extension, install it aside of Webmake:
$ npm install webmake-yaml
If you use global installation of Webmake, then extension also needs to be installed globally:
$ npm install -g webmake-yaml
When running Webmake, ask webmake to use it:
$ webmake --ext=yaml program.js bundle.js
Same way when Webmake is used programmatically:
webmake(inputPath, { ext: 'yaml' }, cb);
webmake-yaml can be used with any other Webmake extension, e.g.:
$ webmake --ext=yaml --ext=otherext program.js bundle.js
webmake(inputPath, { ext: ['yaml', 'otherext'] }, cb);
Big thanks to @puzrin (Vitaly Puzrin) for making a donation to Webmake project and making this extension possible.
Vitaly is a member of Nodeca team, that is behind js-yaml JavaScript YAML parser and dumper, and powerful social platform Nodeca.
$ npm test