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Runtime validation and processing of JavaScript types

Use case

Validate arguments input in public API endpoints.

For validation of more sophisticated input structures (as deeply nested configuration objects) it's recommended to consider more powerful schema based utlities (as AJV or @hapi/joi)

Example usage

Bulletproof input arguments normalization and validation:

const ensureString        = require('type/string/ensure')
    , ensureDate          = require('type/date/ensure')
    , ensureNaturalNumber = require('type/natural-number/ensure')
    , isObject            = require('type/object/is');

module.exports = (path, options = { min: 0 }) {
  path = ensureString(path, { errorMessage: "%v is not a path" });
  if (!isObject(options)) options = {};
  const min = ensureNaturalNumber(options.min, { default: 0 })
      , max = ensureNaturalNumber(options.max, { isOptional: true })
      , startTime = ensureDate(options.startTime, { isOptional: true });

  // ...logic


npm install type


Aside of general ensure validation util, following kind of utilities for recognized JavaScript types are provided:


Restricted coercion into primitive type. Returns coerced value or null if value is not coercible per rules.


Object type/kind confirmation, returns either true or false.


Value validation. Returns input value (in primitive cases possibly coerced) or if value doesn't meet the constraints throws TypeError .

Each */ensure utility, accepts following options (eventually passed with second argument):


General utils:

Type specific utils:


$ npm test

Security contact information

To report a security vulnerability, please use the Tidelift security contact. Tidelift will coordinate the fix and disclosure.