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sprintf parser and basic formatter


npm install sprintf-kit



Parses format string into data map with respect to printf syntax

const parse = require("sprintf-kit/parse");

const data = parse("Some %s with %d count");

// `data` resolves with following content:
  literals: ["Some ", " with ", " count"],
  placeholders: [
    { type: "s", content: "%s" },
    { type: "d", content: "%d" }
  isParameterIndexingValid: true

data spec:

Format function generator

// Configure format function that resolves 's' and 'd' modifiers
let format = require("sprintf-kit")({
  d: require("sprintf-kit/modifiers/d"),
  s: require("sprintf-kit/modifiers/s")

format("Some %s with %d count %x boo", "foo", 12, "ignored"); // Some foo with 12 count %x boo

// Special `rest` formater can be used to handle leftover arguments

format = require("sprintf-kit")({
  d: require("sprintf-kit/modifiers/d"),
  s: require("sprintf-kit/modifiers/s"),
  rest: args => " " + args.join(" ")

format("Some %s with %d count", "foo", 12, "rest", "args"); // Some foo with 12 count rest args

// Message string literals (all but placeholders text) can be additionally decorated
// Useful when we want to apply some specific color to message without affecting format of special arguments

const clc = require("cli-color");

format = require("sprintf-kit")({
  d: require("sprintf-kit/modifiers/d"),
  s: require("sprintf-kit/modifiers/s"),
  literal: literal => clc.red(literal)

Parts resolver generator

Resolver returns resolved data in form of object parts, which maybe helpful if additional programmatical processing is needed

// Configure format function that resolves 's' and 'd' modifiers
let resolve = require("sprintf-kit/get-resolver")({
  d: require("sprintf-kit/modifiers/d"),
  s: require("sprintf-kit/modifiers/s")

resolve("Some %s with %d count %x boo", "foo", 12, "ignored");
// {
//   literals: ["Some ", " with ", " count ", " boo"],
//   substitutions: [
//     { value: "foo", placeholder: { type: "s", content: "%s" } },
//     { value: "12", placeholder:  { type: "d", content: "%d" } },
//     { value: "%x", placeholder: { type: "x", content: "%x" }
//   ],
//   rest: null
// }

resolve = require("sprintf-kit/get-resolver")({
  d: require("sprintf-kit/modifiers/d"),
  s: require("sprintf-kit/modifiers/s"),
  rest: args => " " + args.join(" ")

resolve("Some %s with %d count", "foo", 12, "rest", "args");
// {
//   literals: ["Some ", " with ", " count"],
//   substitutions: [
//     { value: "foo", placeholder: { type: "s", content: "%s" } },
//     { value: "12", placeholder:  { type: "d", content: "%d" } }
//   ],
//   rest: " rest args"
// }

Preconfigured modifiers

Currently just basic modifiers are configured in (PR's welcome to extend this support).

Modifiers can be found at sprintf-kit/modifiers folder.

Preconfigured modifiers

Every modifier is exception safe, in case of approaching invalid value, adequate error message token is displayed in place of placeholder


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Project cross-browser compatibility supported by:

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Security contact information

To report a security vulnerability, please use the Tidelift security contact. Tidelift will coordinate the fix and disclosure.