

Katana Slice Manager

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:page_with_curl: Introduction to Network Slicing

Network slicing is a 5G cutting edge technology that enables the creation of multiple virtual networks on top of shared physical infrastructure, allowing operators to provide portions of their networks that fit the requirements defined by various vertical industries. A network slice can be described as the collection of multiple sub-slices of different domains, such as the Core Datacenter, the Transport network, and one or numerous Edge Locations. The figure below depicts some examples of 5G Network Slices:

Network Slices Examples

Katana Slice Manager is a centralized software component that provides an interface for creating, modifying, monitoring, and deleting slices. Through the North Bound Interface (NBI), the Slice Manager receives the Network Slice Template (NEST) for creating network slices and provides the API for managing and monitoring them. Through the South Bound Interface (SBI), it communicates with the Network Sub-Slice Manager components of the Management Layer, namely the Virtual Infrastructure Manager (VIM), the NFV Orchestrator (NFVO), the Element Management System (EMS), and the WAN Infrastructure Management (WIM).

Katana Slice Manager is based on a highly modular architecture, built as a mesh of microservices, each of which is running on a docker container. The key advantages of this architectural approach are that it offers simplicity in building and maintaining applications, flexibility and scalability, while the containerized approach makes the applications independent of the underlying system.

:clipboard: Features

:hammer_and_pick: Quick Start



Build the Katana Docker images and install the katana CLI command on the local system.

bash bin/build.sh [-r | --release <RELEASE_NUMBER>] [--docker_reg <REMOTE_DOCKER_REGISTRY>] [--docker_repo <DOCKER_REPOSITORY>] [--docker_reg_user <REGISTRY_USER>] [--docker_reg_passwd <REGISTRY_PASSWORD>] [--push] [--dev] [-h | --help]


Sudo privileges will be needed for installing the CLI command tool


Deploy katana Slice Manager service. The script will attempt to pull the defined Docker tag from the defined Docker registry/repository. Otherwise, it will build the images using the ":test" tag.

bash bin/deploy.sh [-p | --publish] [-r | --release <RELEASE_NUMBER>] [--docker_reg <REMOTE_DOCKER_REGISTRY>] [--docker_repo <DOCKER_REPOSITORY>] [--docker_reg_user <REGISTRY_USER>] [--docker_reg_passwd <REGISTRY_PASSWORD>] [-m | --monitoring] [--no-build] [--apex] [-h | --help]



Get the logs of katana-mngr and katana-nbi modules:

katana logs [-l | --limit N]


Stop Katana Slice Manager:

bash bin/stop.sh [-c | --clear] [-h | --help]


Remove katana Docker resources and the CLI command tool

bash bin/uninstall.sh

Sudo privileges will be needed for removing the CLI command tool


To start Prometheus and Grafana Monitoring modules add the -m | --monitoring flag to deploy.sh binary. Prometheus is running at port 9090 and Grafana at port 3000. A new dashboard will be created on Grafana for every new slice that is created.

By default Grafana credentials are admin:admin. To change it, create the katana-grafana/.env file with the following environmental variables:


:keyboard: Development Environment

To create a development environment for katana on a Linux host, run:

bash bin/build.sh --dev

This will create hard links of the shared_utils directory of both katana-mngr and katana-nbi on the root directory ./dev_shared_utils. So any changes done on the existing files ./shared_utils directory will be reflected to katana-mngr/katana/shared_utils and katana-nbi/katana/shared_utils directories. To add new files that are created in the dev_shared_utils directory, run the command:

for dest in katana-{mngr,nbi}/katana/shared_utils/; do cp -al dev_shared_utils/{PATH_TO_NEW_FILE} $dest; done

It will also create a dev folder, where the example_config_files will be copied for providing direct access to testing configuration files.

You can also check the Wiki "For Developers" page for more details.

:heavy_check_mark: CI/CD

The current implementation supports two pipelines, using the respective Jenkinsfile:

Development/Integration Pipeline

This Pipeline is executed on a testing environment

Deployment Pipeline

This Pipeline is executed on a stable production/staging environment

:book: Documentation