

This repository is not maitained.

This repository is not maintained. I can transfer ownership of gedit-rainbow-csv if you are willing to support it, plese reach out if you have any questions about this.


Syntax highlighting rules for csv and tsv files in gtk (gedit)

Columns in csv/tsv file will be higlighted in different rainbow colors. This helps to understand data patterns in csv files more quickly. Every 10-th column is not highlighted (has default black color)

csv/tsv autodetection

For rainbow syntax higlighting to work, csv/tsv file is not required to have *.csv/*.tsv extension. Plugin has csv autodetection mechanism if enabled.

Installation Instructions:

  1. Run ./install.py
  2. Launch gedit. Go to Edit->Preferences->Plugins and enable "Rainbow csv" plugin
  3. Restart gedit

