


WARNING: this project is obsolete.

CGrex was used only during the CGC qualifier event, for the final event we used Patcherex.

CGrex is a targeted patcher for CGC binaries.

We used it (together with fidget) just for the CGC qualifier event.

CGrex takes as an input a CGC binary and a list of POVs and it generates a binary that (supposedly) it is not vulnerable anymore to those POVs.

In a nutshell, CGrex works by injecting code that "abuses" return values of the random and fdwait syscalls to detect if the soon-to-be-accessed memory regions are allocated.


# install requirements
sudo apt-get install socat

# create a virtualenv
mkvirtualenv cgrex

# download cgrex
git clone https://github.com/mechaphish/cgrex.git

# install Python requirements
cd cgrex
pip install -r reqs.txt

#install miasm
git clone https://github.com/cea-sec/miasm.git
cd miasm
pip install -e .
cd ..


main.py --binary=<binary> --out=<out> <povs>...


./main.py --binary tests/0b32aa01/0b32aa01_01 --out /tmp/0b32aa01_01_cgrex1 tests/0b32aa01/0b32aa01_01.xml tests/0b32aa01/0b32aa01_02.xml

/tmp/0b32aa01_01_cgrex1 is now "immune" to the two POVs. For instance, it should not segfault with the following input:

python -c 'print "A"*100' | bin/qemu-cgc /tmp/0b32aa01_01_cgrex1

How does CGrex work?

During the CGC qualification event an input generating a crash (encoded in a POV) was a considered as a vulnerability. The goal of CGrex is just to generate a binary that does not crash, when provided with a previously crashing input.

CGrex works in five steps.

  1. Run the CGC binary against a given POV (using bin/qemu-cgc).

  2. Detect the instruction pointer where the POV generates a crash (the "culprit instruction").

  3. Extract the symbolic expression of the memory accesses performed by the "culprit instruction" (by using miasm).

  4. Generate "checking" code that dynamically:

  1. Inject the "cheking" code.

Steps 1 to 5 are repeated until the binary does not crash anymore with all the provided POVs.