


An open-source GTFS validator, released under GPLv3. See the LICENSE file for more information.

Java CI

Online public validator

New! A free online validator is hosted here: https://gtfsvtor.mecatran.com/.

Features and project goals

How to use GTFSVTOR

GTFSVTOR is in a workable state.

As the time of writing, all the tables and fields from the GTFS specifications are loaded.

Almost all validation rules of the legacy feedvalidator.py are implemented. See the list of issues in github to check the few missing rules. Other (new or refined) rules have also been added, aiming for backward-compatibility when possible. The most notable backward-incompability is the taking into account of exact shapes in computing too fast travels; however this change in behavior increase the accuracy and reliability of too fast travels validation.

You can browse this HTML example report to see the validation result of the "verybad" dataset. Also see this JSON example report summary.

To use it:

    ./gtfsvtor/bin/gtfsvtor --help
    ./gtfsvtor/bin/gtfsvtor [options] <GTFS file>

On Windows, use the provided gtfsvtor.bat file instead.

Please note that a Java JRE is required to run the application.

A sample config.properties file is included in the root of the project if you want to configure the validation (see Configuration section below).

For large GTFS, you can increase the default JVM heap size by setting the appropriate JVM options in the GTFSVTOR_OPTS variable:

GTFSVTOR_OPTS=-Xmx6G ./gtfsvtor/bin/gtfsvtor <GTFS file>

Also, unzipping data on disk can reduce memory usage for large GTFS.


Performance tests are done using:

Note: Performances comparisons should be fairly accurate now, as GTFSVTOR do have all CPU-intensive validators implemented (loading and conversion of stops, trips, times, shapes, calendars; shape linear indexing; calendar indexing; stop spatial indexing; too fast travel checks, trip duplication detection, block ID overlap...). Also GTFSVTOR has trip duplication detection enabled, whereas feedvalidator.py does not.


Run a dockerized GTFSVTOR using the laurentgregoire/gtfsvtor Docker image:

docker run --rm -i -v <path_data_directory, e.g. $(PWD)>:/data -e TZ=Europe/Berlin laurentgregoire/gtfsvtor /data/<gtfs-file>

GTFSVTOR is executed in the mounted /data dir. If you'd like to use a custom config.properties, you may place it besides the gtfs file and supply -c config.properties as additional parameters. Note that the timezone must be specified explicitly (via -e TZ=<your timezone>) to have correct timestamps reported in the validation-results.html.


You can configure GTFSVTOR by editing a config file in the project root folder. You should specify which config file to load by using the --config command-line option. See the provided config.properties example.

You can disable a validator (or enable a validator disabled by default) by writing:

validator.SomeValidator.enabled = true
validator.SomeOtherValidator.enabled = false

When SomeValidator is the class name of the validator to enable/disable.

Use the --listValidators command-line option to list all validators and their options.

To configure a validator option, write for example:

validator.CalendarValidator.expiredCutoffDate = 2020/12/31

This example will configure the feed expiry cutoff date to the specified date (for information by default the default expiry date is "today").

Bug tracking

If you experience a bug, please create a ticket in the issue page of the GTFSVTOR github project here.

Please follow standard best-practices by providing:

Create a distinct issue per different bug.

Developer guide