

Magento 2 Docker

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A collection of Docker images for running Magento 2 through nginx and on the command line.

Quick Start

cp composer.env.sample composer.env
# ..put the correct tokens into composer.env

mkdir magento

docker-compose run cli magento-installer
docker-compose up -d
docker-compose restart


Configuration is driven through environment variables. A comprehensive list of the environment variables used can be found in each Dockerfile and the commands in each bin/ directory.

A sample docker-compose.yml is provided in this repository.

CLI Usage

A number of commands are baked into the image and are available on the $PATH. These are:

It's recommended that you mount an external folder to /root/.composer/cache, otherwise you'll be waiting all day for Magento to download every time the container is booted.

CLI commands can be triggered by running:

docker-compose run cli magento-installer

Shell access to a CLI container can be triggered by running:

docker-compose run cli bash


All images have sendmail installed for emails, however it is not enabled by default. To enable sendmail, use the following environment variable:


Note: If sendmail has been enabled, make sure the container has a hostname assigned using the hostname field in docker-compose.yml or --hostname parameter for docker run. If the container does not have a hostname set, sendmail will attempt to discover the hostname on startup, blocking for a prolonged period of time.

Implementation Notes

xdebug Usage

To enable xdebug, you will need to toggle the PHP_ENABLE_XDEBUG environment variable to true in global.env. Then when using docker-compose you will need to restart the fpm container using docker-compose up -d, or stopping and starting the container.


Varnish is running out of the container by default. If you do not require varnish, then you will need to remove the varnish block from your docker-compose.yml and uncomment the environment section under the web container definition.

To clear varnish, you can use the cli containers magento-command to clear the cache, which will include varnish. Alternatively, you could restart the varnish container.

docker-compose run --rm cli magento-command cache:flush
# OR
docker-compose restart varnish

If you need to add your own VCL, then it needs to be mounted to: /data/varnish.vcl.


A lot of the configuration for each image is the same, with the difference being the base image that they're extending from. For this reason we use php to build the Dockerfile from a set of templates in src/. The Dockerfile should still be published to the repository due to Docker Hub needing a Dockerfile to build from.

To build all Dockerfiles, run the builder.php script in the php:7 Docker image:<!-- Yo dawg, I heard you like Docker images... -->

docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd):/src php:7 php /src/builder.php

Adding new images to the build config

The build configuration is controlled by the config.json file. Yeah element in the top level hash is a new build target, using the following syntax:

"<target-name>": {
    "version": "<php-version>",
    "flavour": "<image-flavour>",
    "files": {
        "<target-file-name>": {
            "<template-variable-name>": "<template-variable-value>",

The target files will be rendered in the <php-version>-<image-flavour>/ directory.

The source template for each target file is selected from the src/ directory using the following fallback order:

  1. <target-file-name>-<php-version>-<image-flavour>
  2. <target-file-name>-<php-version>
  3. <target-file-name>-<image-flavour>
  4. <target-file-name>

Individual templates may include other templates as partials.