


Evaluation metrics to compare AMR graphs based on Smatch (http://amr.isi.edu/evaluation.html). The script computes a set of metrics between AMR graphs in addition to the traditional Smatch code:

The different metrics were introduced in the paper below, which also uses them to evaluate several AMR parsers:

"An Incremental Parser for Abstract Meaning Representation", Marco Damonte, Shay B. Cohen and Giorgio Satta. In arXiv:1608.06111 (2016). URL: https://arxiv.org/abs/1608.06111

Usage: ./evaluation.sh <parsed data> <gold data>, where <parsed data> and <gold data> are two files which contain multiple AMRs. A blank line is used to separate two AMRs (same format required by Smatch).

In the paper we also discuss a metric for noun phrase analysis. To compute this metric: