

<h3 align="center"> <a href="https://codeguide.co/"> <img src="code-guide-logo.png" alt="Code Guide logo" width="192" height="192"> </a> <br> Code Guide </h3> <p align="center" markdown="1"> Standards for developing consistent, flexible, and sustainable HTML and CSS. <br> <a href="https://codeguide.co"><strong>Start reading ☞</strong></a> </p>


Code Guide is built on Jekyll and hosted on GitHub Pages. To install Jekyll:

gem install jekyll

To start the local server:

jekyll serve

Open localhost:4000 in your browser.


Released under MIT by, and copyright, @mdo.


Translations are maintained by their creators and may not always be up to date with the original here.

Have a translation you'd like to link to? Open a pull request to add it here. Be sure to keep it alphabetical.
