

Osiris C++ CS:GO Windows x86 License Windows PayPal

Free open-source training software / cheat for Counter-Strike: Global Offensive game. Designed as internal cheat - Dynamic-link library (DLL) loadable into game process. Compatible with the latest version of the game on Steam.


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Getting started


Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 (preferably the latest version), platform toolset v142 and Windows SDK 10.0 are required in order to compile Osiris. If you don't have ones, you can download VS here (Windows SDK is installed during Visual Studio Setup).


There are two options of downloading the source code:

Without git

Choose this option if you want pure source and you're not going to contribute to the repo. Download size ~600 kB.

To download source code this way click here.

With git

Choose this option if you're going to contribute to the repo or you want to use version control system. Download size ~100 MB (because of full commit history). Git is required to step further, if not installed download it here.

Open git command prompt and enter following command:

git clone https://github.com/danielkrupinski/Osiris.git

Osiris folder should have been succesfully created, containing all the source files.

Compiling from source

When you have equiped a copy of source code, next step is opening Osiris.sln in Microsoft Visual Studio 2019.

Then change build configuration to Release | x86 and simply press Build solution.

If everything went right you should receive Osiris.dll binary file.

Loading / Injecting into game process

Open your favorite DLL injector and just inject Osiris.dll into csgo.exe process.

When injected, menu is openable under INSERT key.

Further optimizations

If your CPU supports AVX / AVX2 instruction set, you can enable it in project settings. This should result in more performant code, optimized for your CPU. Currently SSE2 instructions are selected in project settings.


How do I open menu?

Press <kbd>INSERT</kbd> while focused on CS:GO window.

Where is my config file saved?

Configuration files are saved inside Osiris folder in your Documents folder (%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Osiris). The config is in human readable format and can be edited (e.g, using notepad). Sometimes after updates configuration file needs to be deleted and recreated.

What is cheat execution entry point and where is it located?

Osiris is based on six main global objects ("modules") - see Osiris.cpp file for detailes. The modules are initialized in the order they are declared in above file as they depend on each other.



Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Daniel Krupiński

This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

See also