

A New Language for Layout and Interface

CSS and HTML are actually quite difficult to use when you're trying to do the layout and styling of a web page.

This library is a complete alternative to HTML and CSS. Basically you can just write your app using this library and (mostly) never have to think about HTML and CSS again.

The high level goal of this library is to be a design toolkit that draws inspiration from the domains of design, layout, and typography, as opposed to drawing from the ideas as implemented in CSS and HTML.

This means:

import Color exposing (blue, darkBlue)
import Element exposing (Element, el, text, row, alignRight)
import Element.Background as Background
import Element.Border as Border

main = 
    Element.layout []

myRowOfStuff =
    row [ width fill ]
        [ myElement
        , myElement
        , el [ alignRight ] myElement

myElement : Element msg
myElement =
        [ Background.color blue
        , Border.color darkBlue
        (text "You've made a stylish element!")

The work here started as a major rewrite of the Style Elements.

Though, it will be released under a different name shortly.