


A base swim node


npm i baseswim -g


docker pull matteocollina/baseswim


baseswim [--http 3000] [--port PORT] [peers...]

Each peer is in the form of IP:PORT, like

with Docker

On Linux:

docker run -p 3000:3000 -p 7799:7799/udp -d matteocollina/baseswim --host `ip addr show wlan0 | grep -Po 'inet \K[\d.]+'` --http 3000

adjut the host configuration to your own interface/ip address

On Mac:

docker run -p 3000:3000 -p 7799:7799/udp -d matteocollina/baseswim --host `ipconfig getifaddr en0` --http 3000

adjut the host configuration to your own interface/ip address

On docker-machine:

docker run -p 3000:3000 -p 7799:7799/udp -d matteocollina/baseswim --host `docker-machine ip default` --http 3000

If you need to connect it to other peers pass any peer id at the end, like for the normal usage.

as a module

'use strict'

const baseswim = require('baseswim')
const id = '' // replace your ip address

const swim = baseswim(id, {
  http: 3000 // to enable the HTTP endpoints

swim.on('peerUp', (peer) => console.log(peer))
swim.on('peerDown', (peer) => console.log(peer))

The swim instance is the same of swim-js. See its README for the API.

constructor options

If you do not pass any options, baseswim will bound to a network interface (not localhost) and pick a free udp port.

You can also pass the host and port as parameters:

const swim = baseswim({
  host: '',
  port: 7799

HTTP endpoints

If enabled by the --http flag, baseswim provides two HTTP endpoint to control the base node.

GET /members

Provides a list of the current members, output:

$ curl `docker-machine ip default`:3000/members
  "members": [
      "host": "",
      "state": 0,
      "incarnation": 0

POST /join

Provides a list of the current members, output:

curl -X POST -d 'PEER' `docker-machine ip default`:3000/members

where PEER is an IP:PORT combination.


baseswim is sponsored by nearForm.
