

Sal npm version License: MIT Build Status

Performance focused, lightweight (less than 2.8 kb) scroll animation library, written in vanilla JavaScript. No dependencies!

Sal (Scroll Animation Library) was created to provide a performant and lightweight solution for animating elements on scroll. It's based on the Intersection Observer, which gives amazing performance in terms of checking the element's presence in the viewport.

Note: Intersection Observer API is an experimental technology so be sure to consult the browser compatibility table and consider using a polyfill.

Table of Contents


# Usage with NPM
$ npm install --save sal.js

# and with Yarn
$ yarn add sal.js

Load it with your favorite module loader or use as a global variable

// ES6 modules
import sal from 'sal.js'

// CommonJS modules
var sal = require('sal.js')

And remember to add styles

// Webpack
@import '~sal.js/sal.css';

// Other
@import './node_modules/sal.js/dist/sal.css';


In HTML, add a data-sal attribute with the animation name as value, e.g.:

<div data-sal="fade"></div>

Then simply initialize Sal in your script file:


It will look for all elements with a data-sal attribute and launch their animation when in viewport.


In sal.js you can easily change animation's options, by adding a proper data attribute:

For example:


The library supports several animations:

Duration and delay

Additionaly, when you want to customise animation's properties - duration, delay and easing, you can use CSS variables to set any value you want. See the following example:

  style="--sal-duration: 3s; --sal-delay: 2s;"

Supported custom properties:

Remember, that you can use only data attributes (e.g. data-sal-delay) or CSS custom properties (e.g. --sal-delay). Data attributes have precedence over CSS custom properties.

Repeating animation

By default every animation is played once. You can change it by setting once option to false (see Options). What's more, it's possible to override this option for an animated element by adding one of the following attributes:


thresholdNumberPercentage of an element's area that needs to be visible to launch animation (see docs)0.5
onceBooleanDefines if animation needs to be launched once. Can be overridden, see Repeating Animation.true
disabledBoolean or FunctionFlag (or a function returning boolean) for disabling animationsfalse

You can set options during Sal's initialization, e.g.:

  threshold: 1,
  once: false,

Advanced options

rootElement or nullThe element that is used as the viewport for checking visibility of the target (see docs)window
selectorStringSelector of the elements to be animated[data-sal]
animateClassNameStringClass name which triggers animationsal-animate
disabledClassNameStringClass name which defines the disabled statesal-disabled
rootMarginStringCorresponds to root's bounding box margin (see docs)0% 50%
enterEventNameStringEnter event name (see Events)sal:in
exitEventNameStringExit event name (see Events)sal:out


Method nameDescription
enableEnables animations
disableDisables animations
resetResets instance and allows to pass new options (see Options)
updateUpdates observer with new elements to animated. Useful for dynamically injected HTML.

Public methods are available after Sal's initialization:

const scrollAnimations = sal();


Changing options after intialization

If you want to change Sal's options once it's been initialized, you should use reset method, that allows you to pass new set of options. It can be useful, when you would like to provide different options for specific viewport sizes.

const scrollAnimations = sal();

// Provide new options
  selector: 'animated-element',
  once: true,


This library supports events, fired when element is entering or exiting viewport (they are named sal:in and sal:out by default). Property detail is IntersectionObserverEntry object.

You can attach listener to specific element.

// Get element with ".animated" class, which has "data-sal" attribute
const element = document.querySelector('.animated');

element.addEventListener('sal:in', ({ detail }) => {
  console.log('entering', detail.target);

or to the whole document

document.addEventListener('sal:out', ({ detail }) => {
  console.log('exiting', detail.target);

Note: This library uses Custom Event to trigger events on animated elements. Check the compatibility table to know if your browser supports it and use a polyfill if needed.


No-JS support

If you aim to support users that don't allow sites to use JavaScript, you should consider disabling animations' styles in the first place. You can use <noscript /> element to inject required CSS. Here's an example:

  <style type="text/css">
    [data-sal|='fade'] {
      opacity: 1;

    [data-sal|='zoom'] {
      opacity: 1;
      transform: none;

    [data-sal|='flip'] {
      transform: none;


Created by Mirek Ciastek. Released under the MIT License.