


Set up an MCCI Catena via serial console (USB or regular)

This repository contains two programs.

mcci-catena-provision.bri (for Windows only at the moment) loads one or more network provisioning scripts into an MCCI Catena device built using the Catena-Arduino-Platform. It was primarily developed for configuring Catena boards for use with the The Things Network. However, the tool can be used for other purposes as desired.

provision-ttn.sh provides a streamlined registration flow when working with The Things Network. It registers the device with the network, then uses mcci-catena-provision to load the network-generated application credentials into the Catena.


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mcci-catena-provision reads one or more scripts containing Catena-Arduino-Platform commands, sending each line sequentially to an Catena directly connected to the PC via USB, and checking the results. Simple variable substitution allows you to input provisioning information from the command line, if needed.

Several scripts (.cat files, where cat is short for "Catena") are provided with the package, to perform common tasks. These include:


./bright mcci-catena-provision.bri -[options] [scripts ...]

The components of this command may be understood as follows.

bright mcci-catena-provision.bri invokes Terry Moore's Bright interpreter, which is included (in compiled form) in this package, to run mcci-catena-provision.bri. (Sources for Bright are available from Terry, contact author for information; posting to GitHub is pending.)

-[options] may be any of the following. Options are processed left to right. Unless we say otherwise, the rightmost option overrides any previous option setting. Boolean options may be negated using the "no" prefix; so for example write "-noD" to explicitly negate any previous -D option.

Catena Script File Syntax

Catena script files are processed line by line. Blank lines, and lines beginning with whitespace followed by # are treated as comments and ignored.

Otherwise the line is macro-expanded and then sent to the Catena.

Macros are indicated using the syntax ${NAME}, where NAME is either a special variable defined by mcci-catena-provision or else a variable defined using the -V option on the command line. An undefined variable will cause mcci-load-mode-profile to report an error.

The special variable SYSEUI is always set to the system EUI read from the Catena during initialization.

Scripting Reference

The scripting commands are defined by the Catena Arduino Platform -- see this command summary.

Using catenainit-otaa.cat

The OTAA script catenainit-otaa.cat expects that you will invoke mcci-catena-provision.bri with the following -V definitions:

A simple workflow is:

  1. Connect your Catena to your PC with a USB cable.
  2. Get your device's EUI using mcci-catena-provision.bri and the -info option.
  3. Use that dev EUI to register your device using the TTN console, or the command line tool ttnctl (available here).
  4. Run mcci-catena-provision.bri again with the catenainit-otaa.cat script, specifying the AppEUI and the AppKey obtained in step 3.

This workflow is automated by provision-ttnsh, described below.

Here's an example of manual provisioning.

$ # get info about the Catena on port com11.
$ ./bright mcci-catena-provision.bri -port com11 -info
CatenaType: Catena 4630
Platform Version:
SysEUI: 0002CC0B001A2B50

$ # check ttnctl version
$ ttnctl version
  INFO Got build information                    Branch=master BuildDate=2019-05-21T08:12:24Z Commit=60b8cc50487095cce789df3c2dcc260e07307f10 Version=v2.10.2-dev
  INFO This is an up-to-date ttnctl build

$ # register the device with the network.
$ ttnctl devices register device-0002CC0B001A2B50 0002CC0B001A2B50
  INFO Using Application                        AppEUI=70B3D57ED000F563 AppID=test-do-not-use
  INFO Generating random AppKey...
  INFO Discovering Handler...                   Handler=ttn-handler-us-west
  INFO Connecting with Handler...               Handler=us-west.thethings.network:1904
  INFO Registered device                        AppEUI=70B3D57ED000F563 AppID=test-do-not-use AppKey=0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF DevEUI=0002CC0B001A2B50 DevID=device-0002cc0b001a2b50

# # get the device information
$ ttnctl devices info device-0002cc0b001a2b50
  INFO Using Application                        AppEUI=70B3D57ED000F563 AppID=test-do-not-use
  INFO Discovering Handler...                   Handler=ttn-handler-us-west
  INFO Connecting with Handler...               Handler=us-west.thethings.network:1904
  INFO Found device

  Application ID: test-do-not-use
       Device ID: device-0002cc0b001a2b50
       Last Seen: never

    LoRaWAN Info:

     AppEUI: 70B3D57ED000F563
     DevEUI: 0002CC0B001A2B50
    DevAddr: <nil>
     AppKey: 0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF
    AppSKey: <nil>
    NwkSKey: <nil>
     FCntUp: 0
   FCntDown: 0
    Options: FCntCheckEnabled, 32BitFCnt

$ # put the networking info into the device.
$ # ----> be sure to scroll right in the text box to get the entire command that follows:
$ ./bright mcci-catena-provision.bri -port com11 -echo -V APPEUI=0002CC0B001A2B50 -V APPKEY=0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF catenainit-otaa.cat
lorawan configure deveui 0002CC0B001A2B50
lorawan configure appeui 70B3D57ED0000852
lorawan configure appkey 0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF
lorawan configure fcntup 0
lorawan configure fcntdown 0
lorawan configure devaddr 0
lorawan configure join 1



This script uses ttnctl, the API tool for The Things Network, to automatically register a device.

Usage: provision-ttn.sh

provision-ttn.sh -[options] deveui

-[options] may be any of the following. Options are processed left to right. Unless we say otherwise, the rightmost option overrides any previous option setting. Boolean options may be negated using the "n" prefix; so for example write "-nD" to explicitly negate any previous -D option.

Environment Variables

TTNCTL, if set, gives the full pathname of the ttnctl executable image. If TTNCTL is not set, ttnctl must be available on the current PATH.


$ ./provision-ttn.sh  -b iseechange- -a iseechange-01 -s catena-4618-otaa.cat -v -p com20 0002cc0100000346
CatenaType: Catena 4618
Platform Version:
SysEUI: 0002CC0100000346
  INFO Found one EUI "70B3D57ED0011966", selecting that one.
  INFO Updated configuration                    AppEUI=70B3D57ED0011966 AppID=iseechange-01
  INFO Using Application                        AppEUI=70B3D57ED0011966 AppID=iseechange-01
  INFO Generating random AppKey...
  INFO Discovering Handler...                   Handler=ttn-handler-us-west
  INFO Connecting with Handler...               Handler=us-west.thethings.network:1904
  INFO Registered device                        AppEUI=70B3D57ED0011966 AppID=iseechange-01 AppKey={redacted} DevEUI=0002CC0100000346 DevID
provision-from-ttnctl.sh: provisioning Catena
  CatenaType: Catena 4618
  Platform Version:
  SysEUI: 0002CC0100000346
system configure syseui 0002CC0100000346
system configure platformguid b75ed77b-b06e-4b26-a968-9c15f222dfb2
lorawan configure deveui 0002CC0100000346
lorawan configure appeui 70B3D57ED0011966
lorawan configure appkey {redacted}
lorawan configure devaddr 0
lorawan configure fcntup 0
lorawan configure fcntdown 0
lorawan configure appskey 0
lorawan configure nwkskey 0
lorawan configure join 1
system configure operatingflags 1
./mcci-catena-provision.bri: No errors detected


This script communicates with catena to get information for register it in Actility network via Thingpark Enterprise API, then it loads the catena script to device for complete the provisioning process.



  1. You need to chose a directory for this script and supporting materials. If you use git clone, you'll specify the target directory; if you download the zip file from git, then you'll need to choose a place to unpack the files.

  2. Once the files are unpacked, please open the actility-config.yml file and edit client_id & client_credentials. For e.g. client_id : tpe-eu-api/xxxxx@yyy.com, client_credentials: <your_password>

Using mcci_catena_provision_actility.py

python mcci_catena_provision_actility.py -[options]

-[options] may be any of the following:

Catena Script File

A number of provisioning scripts are provided for setting up Catenas; the files are named as {script}.cat. If your Catena has already been set up at the factory, you can use catena-otaa.cat. Here are the scripts by name and function:

The scripts conventionally get information from variables that are set up by you or by the script. The variables are:

Example (mcci_catena_provision_actility.py)

python mcci_catena_provision_actility.py -D -port COM25 -permissive -r -V BASENAME=catprov- -V APPEUI=70B3D53260000246 -V APPKEY=0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF -V MODEL=LORA/GenericA.1revB_IN865_Rx2-SF12 -V APPID=mcci_chennai_mqtt_server -s catenainit-otaa.cat

Port COM25 opened
>>> system echo off

<<< system echo off

>>> system version

<<< Board: Catena 4470
MCCIADK-Version: 0.2.1
MCCI-Arduino-BSP-Version: 2.1.0

>>> system configure syseui

<<< 00-02-cc-01-00-00-01-93

Device Created:
{'ref': '1421589', 'name': 'catprov-0193', 'EUI': '0002CC0100000193', 'activationType': 'OTAA', 'deviceProfileId': 'LORA/GenericA.1revB_IN865_Rx2-SF12', 'connectivityPlanId': 'actility-tpe-cs/tpe-cp', 'processingStrategyId': 'ROUTE', 'routeRefs': ['40344'], 'applicationEUI': '70B3D53260000246'}

Device Info:
{'ref': '1421589', 'name': 'catprov-0193', 'EUI': '0002CC0100000193', 'activationType': 'OTAA', 'deviceClass': 'A', 'deviceProfileId': 'LORA/GenericA.1revB_IN865_Rx2-SF12', 'connectivityPlanId': 'actility-tpe-cs/tpe-cp', 'processingStrategyId': 'ROUTE', 'routeRefs': ['40344'], 'applicationEUI': '70B3D53260000246', 'commercialDetails': {'image': '/thingpark/wireless/rest/resources/files/logo/deviceProfile/7453', 'manufacturerName': 'Generic', 'manufacturerLogo': '/thingpark/wireless/rest/resources/files/logo/device/202'}}

DoScript: catenainit-otaa.cat
>>> lorawan configure deveui 0002CC0100000193

<<< OK

>>> lorawan configure appeui 70B3D53260000246

<<< OK

>>> lorawan configure appkey 0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF

<<< OK

>>> lorawan configure fcntup 0

<<< OK

>>> lorawan configure fcntdown 0

<<< OK

>>> lorawan configure appskey 0

<<< OK

>>> lorawan configure nwkskey 0

<<< OK

>>> lorawan configure join 1

<<< OK

Port COM25 closed
No errors detected


This script communicates with Catena to get information for register it in chirpstack network via HTTP APIs, then it loads the Catena script to device for complete the provisioning process.



  1. You need to chose a directory for this script and supporting materials. If you use git clone, you'll specify the target directory; if you download the zip file from git, then you'll need to choose a place to unpack the files.

  2. You need to create organization API key at console for provide it as authentication key when running the script.

Using mcci_catena_provision_chirpstack.py

python mcci_catena_provision_chirpstack.py -[options]

-[options] may be any of the following:

Catena Script File

A number of provisioning scripts are provided for setting up Catenas; the files are named as {script}.cat. If your Catena has already been set up at the factory, you can use catena-otaa.cat. Here are the scripts by name and function:

The scripts conventionally get information from variables that are set up by you or by the script. The variables are:

Example (mcci_catena_provision_chirpstack.py)

python mcci_catena_provision_chirpstack.py -D -port COM5 -r -V APPNAME=cdcapp -V BASENAME=device- -V DEVPROFILE=cdcprofile -V ORGNAME=ChirpStack -V JOINEUI=0000000000000000 -s catena-4470-otaa.cat
Port COM5 opened
>>> system echo off

<<< OK

>>> system version

<<< Board: Catena 4470
Platform-Version: 0.21.2
Arduino-LoRaWAN-Version: 0.9.1
MCCIADK-Version: 0.2.2
MCCI-Arduino-BSP-Version: 2.3.0

>>> system configure syseui

<<< 00-02-cc-01-00-00-01-93

Registering device...

Device Created:

Device Info:

DoScript: catena-4470-otaa.cat
>>> system configure syseui 0002CC0100000193

<<< OK

>>> system configure platformguid EA8568EC-5DAE-46EE-929A-A3F6B00A565E

<<< OK

>>> lorawan configure deveui 0002CC0100000193

<<< OK

>>> lorawan configure appeui 0000000000000000

<<< OK

>>> lorawan configure devaddr 0

<<< OK

>>> lorawan configure fcntup 0

<<< OK

>>> lorawan configure fcntdown 0

<<< OK

>>> lorawan configure join 1

<<< OK

>>> system configure operatingflags 1

<<< OK

Port COM5 closed
No errors detected


This script communicates with catena to get information for register it in Helium network via Helium console cli, then it loads the catena script to device for complete the provisioning process.



  1. You need to chose a directory for this script and supporting materials. If you use git clone, you'll specify the target directory; if you download the zip file from git, then you'll need to choose a place to unpack the files.

  2. Once the files are unpacked, you'll also need to get some additional files, in particular helium-console-cli. You can put this on your executable path, but the easiest thing is to put it in the same directory as the script.

  3. The first time you use the CLI, you will need to provide an API key. To create an account key, go to your profile on Helium Console. From the top right corner, click: Account -> Profile. From there, you may generate a key with a specific name and role. The key will only display once. The first time you run the provisioning script, it will prompt you for this key. It will save the key in a local file: .helium-console-config.toml.

Using mcci_catena_provision_helium.py

python mcci_catena_provision_helium.py -[options]

-[options] may be any of the following:

Catena Script File

A number of provisioning scripts are provided for setting up Catenas; the files are named as {script}.cat. If your Catena has already been set up at the factory, you can use catena-otaa.cat. Here are the scripts by name and function:

The scripts conventionally get information from variables that are set up by you or by the script. The variables are:

Example (mcci_catena_provision_helium.py)

python mcci_catena_provision_helium.py -D -port COM25 -permissive -r -V APPEUI=000A000100000047 -V APPKEY=0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF -V BASENAME=catena4470- -s catenainit-otaa.cat

Port COM25 opened
>>> system echo off

<<< system echo off

>>> system version

<<< Board: Catena 4470
MCCIADK-Version: 0.2.1
MCCI-Arduino-BSP-Version: 2.1.0

>>> system configure syseui

<<< 00-02-cc-01-00-00-01-93
using light sleep

HELIUM COMMAND: helium-console-cli device create 000A000100000047 0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF 0002CC0100000193 catena4470-0002cc0100000193
HELIUM - Device Registered:
 Device {
    app_eui: "000A000100000047",
    app_key: "0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF",
    dev_eui: "0002CC0100000193",
    id: "1d4b7fcd-3a61-40a3-93d0-7b50642648d9",
    name: "catena4470-0002cc0100000193",
    organization_id: "542a0c22-248c-423a-ad29-30a58e68543d",
    oui: 1,

HELIUM COMMAND: helium-console-cli device get 000A000100000047 0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF 0002CC0100000193
HELIUM - Device Info:
 Device {
    app_eui: "000A000100000047",
    app_key: "0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF",
    dev_eui: "0002CC0100000193",
    id: "1d4b7fcd-3a61-40a3-93d0-7b50642648d9",
    name: "catena4470-0002cc0100000193",
    organization_id: "542a0c22-248c-423a-ad29-30a58e68543d",
    oui: 1,

APPEUI: 000A000100000047
DEVEUI: 0002CC0100000193
APPKEY: 0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF

Device Created Successfully
DoScript: catenainit-otaa.cat
>>> lorawan configure deveui 0002CC0100000193

<<< OK

>>> lorawan configure appeui 000A000100000047

<<< OK

>>> lorawan configure appkey 0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF

<<< OK

>>> lorawan configure fcntup 0

<<< OK

>>> lorawan configure fcntdown 0

<<< OK

>>> lorawan configure appskey 0

<<< OK

>>> lorawan configure nwkskey 0

<<< OK

>>> lorawan configure join 1

<<< OK

Port COM25 closed
No errors detected


This script communicates with catena to get information for register it in sigfox network via sigfox API, then it loads the catena script to device for complete the provisioning process.



You need to chose a directory for this script and supporting materials. If you use git clone, you'll specify the target directory; if you download the zip file from git, then you'll need to choose a place to unpack the files.

Using mcci_catena_provision_sigfox.py

python mcci_catena_provision_sigfox.py -[options]

-[options] may be any of the following:

Catena Script File

A number of provisioning scripts are provided for setting up Catenas; the files are named as {script}.cat. Here is the base script used for sigfox network:

The scripts conventionally get information from variables that are set up by you or by the script. The variables are:

Example (mcci_catena_provision_sigfox.py)

python mcci_catena_provision_sigfox.py -D -port COM32 -permissive -r -V BASENAME=device- -V DEVID=26240FE -V KEY=0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF -V PAC=0123456789ABCDEF -V DEVTYPEID=501f6a9a4175811910adf528 -s catena-sigfox-base.cat

Port COM32 opened
>>> system echo off

<<< system echo off

>>> system version

Command sent: system version

<<< Board: Catena 4612
Arduino-LoRaWAN-Version: 0.8.0
Arduino-LMIC-Version: 3.3.0
MCCIADK-Version: 0.2.2
MCCI-Arduino-BSP-Version: 2.8.0

Board: Catena 4612
Arduino-LoRaWAN-Version: 0.8.0
Arduino-LMIC-Version: 3.3.0
MCCIADK-Version: 0.2.2
MCCI-Arduino-BSP-Version: 2.8.0

>>> system configure syseui

<<< 00-02-cc-01-00-00-06-22

Enter API Login Id: **redacted**
Enter API Password:

Device Created:
{'id': '26240FE'}

Device Info:
{'id': '26240FE', 'name': 'device-26240FE', 'satelliteCapable': False, 'repeater
': False, 'messageModulo': 4096, 'state': 0, 'comState': 5, 'pac': '0123456789AB
CDEF', 'location': {'lat': 0.0, 'lng': 0.0}, 'deviceType': {'id': '501f6a9a41758
11910adf528'}, 'group': {'id': '4ab30f462564325177713118'}, 'lqi': 4, 'creationT
ime': 1617197032746, 'modemCertificate': {'id': '5fabcd5d80bd5658641e4415'}, 'pr
ototype': True, 'automaticRenewal': True, 'automaticRenewalStatus': 1, 'createdB
y': '5eb5a674e833d96c28dffafd', 'lastEditionTime': 1617197032503, 'lastEditedBy'
: '5eb5a674e833d96c28dffafd', 'activable': True}

DoScript: catena-sigfox-base.cat

>>> sigfox configure devid 26240FE

<<< OK

>>> sigfox configure pac 0123456789ABCDEF

<<< OK

>>> sigfox configure region 2

<<< OK

>>> sigfox configure encryption 0

<<< OK

Port COM32 closed
No errors detected


This script communicates with Catena to get information for register it in TTN network via ttn-lw-cli, then it loads the Catena script to device for complete the provisioning process.



  1. You need to chose a directory for this script and supporting materials. If you use git clone, you'll specify the target directory; if you download the zip file from git, then you'll need to choose a place to unpack the files.

  2. Set TTN cli path as environment variable TTNLWCLI.

  3. You'll need to generate configuration file for ttn-lw-cli from command terminal using the command ttn-lw-cli use [host]. Then, log in to the TTN console using ttn-lw-cli login.

Using mcci_catena_provision_ttn.py

python mcci_catena_provision_ttn.py -[options]

-[options] may be any of the following:

Catena Script File

A number of provisioning scripts are provided for setting up Catenas; the files are named as {script}.cat. If your Catena has already been set up at the factory, you can use catena-otaa.cat. Here are the scripts by name and function:

The scripts conventionally get information from variables that are set up by you or by the script. The variables are:

Example (mcci_catena_provision_ttn.py)

python mcci_catena_provision_ttn.py -D -port COM25 -r -V APPID=ttn_test_app -V BASENAME=device- -V JOINEUI=0000
000000000000 -V FREQPLAN=US915 -V LORAVER=1.0.3 -s catena-4470-otaa.cat

Port COM25 opened
>>> system echo off

<<< system echo off

>>> system version

Command sent: system version

<<< Board: Catena 4470
Platform-Version: 0.21.2
Arduino-LoRaWAN-Version: 0.9.1
MCCIADK-Version: 0.2.2
MCCI-Arduino-BSP-Version: 2.3.0

>>> system configure syseui

<<< 00-02-cc-01-00-00-01-93

 Catena Type: Catena 4470
 Platform Version: 0.21.2
 SysEUI: 0002cc0100000193

Creating TTN end device...
TTN COMMAND: ttn-lw-cli end-devices create ttn_test_app device-0002cc01
00000193 --join-eui 0000000000000000 --dev-eui 0002CC0100000193 --lorawan-versio
n 1.0.3 --lorawan-phy-version PHY_V1_0_3_REV_A --frequency-plan-id US_902_928_FS
B_2 --with-root-keys

  "ids": {
    "device_id": "device-0002cc0100000193",
    "application_ids": {
      "application_id": "ttn_test_app"
    "dev_eui": "0002CC0100000193",
    "join_eui": "0000000000000000"
  "created_at": "2021-09-06T13:08:01.417830782Z",
  "updated_at": "2021-09-08T07:16:24.666424283Z",
  "attributes": {
  "network_server_address": "nam1.cloud.thethings.network",
  "application_server_address": "nam1.cloud.thethings.network",
  "join_server_address": "nam1.cloud.thethings.network",
  "lorawan_version": "MAC_V1_0_3",
  "lorawan_phy_version": "PHY_V1_0_3_REV_A",
  "frequency_plan_id": "US_902_928_FSB_2",
  "supports_join": true,
  "root_keys": {
    "root_key_id": "ttn-lw-cli-generated",
    "app_key": {
      "key": {redacted}
    "nwk_key": {
      "key": {redacted}

Vars Dict:
 {'APPEUI': '0000000000000000', 'DEVEUI': '0002CC0100000193', 'APPKEY': 'redacted', 
 'APPID': 'ttn_test_app', 'BASENAME': 'device-', 'DEVID': 'device-0002cc0100000193', 
 'FREQPLAN': 'US915', 'FREQPLANID': 'US_902_928_FSB_2', 'LORAVER': '1.0.3', 
 'LORAPHYVER': 'PHY_V1_0_3_REV_A', 'SYSEUI': '0002CC0100000193', 'JOINEUI': '0000000000000000'}

DoScript: catena-4470-otaa.cat

>>> system configure syseui 0002CC0100000193

<<< OK

>>> system configure platformguid EA8568EC-5DAE-46EE-929A-A3F6B00A565E

<<< OK

>>> lorawan configure deveui 0002CC0100000193

<<< OK

>>> lorawan configure appeui 0000000000000000

<<< OK

>>> lorawan configure appkey {redacted}

<<< OK

>>> lorawan configure devaddr 0

<<< OK

>>> lorawan configure fcntup 0

<<< OK

>>> lorawan configure fcntdown 0

<<< OK

>>> lorawan configure appskey 0

<<< OK

>>> lorawan configure nwkskey 0

<<< OK

>>> lorawan configure join 1

<<< OK

>>> system configure operatingflags 1

<<< OK

Port COM25 closed
No errors detected
